Playing by Ear: Designing for the Physical in a Sound-Based Virtual Reality Narrative


Harley, D. , Tarun, A. P. , Stinson, B. J. , Tibu, T. , & Mazalek, A. . (2021). Playing by Ear: Designing for the Physical in a Sound-Based Virtual Reality Narrative. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction. Association for Computing Machinery. doi:10.1145/3430524.3440635


We present two proof-of-concept narrative VR experiences with a focus on sound-based physical interactions. Responding to a call to expand upon current design conceptualizations, we draw on tangible sound-based design in order to develop considerations for the body and physical environments within VR narratives. We propose that a focus on the actions the player is asked to perform (e.g., touch, stand, kneel, grasp, walk, listen, reach, dance) can contribute to an understanding of VR as a sensory, embodied medium that offers ways to playfully engage with physical reality rather than simulate it entirely.
