CounterStories from the Writing Center


Condon, F. , & Faison, W. (Eds.). (2022). CounterStories from the Writing Center. Utah State University Press/University Press of Colorado.


Faison and Condon have gathered emerging scholars of colour and their white accomplices in a book that challenges some of the most cherished lore about the work of writing centres. Writing within an intersectional feminist frame, this volume’s contributors name and critique of the dominant role white, straight, cis-gendered women have played in writing centre administration as well as in the field of writing centre studies. Practicing what Derrick Bell has termed “creative truth telling” these writers are not concerned with individual white women in writing centres but with the social, political, and cultural capital that is the historical birthright of white straight cis-gendered women, particularly in writing centre studies. The essays collected in this volume test, defy, and often overflow the bounds of traditional academic discourse in service of powerful testimony and witness and counterstory.

Counterstories from the Writing Center is a must-read for writing centre directors, scholars, and tutors who are committed to anti-racist pedagogy and offers to those who seek to understand the relationship between the work of writing centres and the problem of racism a robust intersectional analysis. Accessible and usable for both graduate and undergraduate students of writing centre theory and practice, Counterstories troubles the field’s commonplaces and offers a rich envisioning of what writing centres materially committed to inclusion and equity might be and do.


Last updated on 04/15/2022