Counterstory as Research Method and Genre: Bean and the Epic Workshop Fail.


Counterstory as Research Method and Genre: Bean and the Epic Workshop Fail. (Accepted). SKRIB: Critical Studies in Writing Programs and Pedagogy, Vol. 1(1). Jan. 2023.

Date Published:

Jan. 2023


Counterstory as research method and genre offers Canadian writing, communication, and writing centre scholars a powerful means of surfacing, interrogating, and intervening in racism and white supremacism as they manifest in our classrooms. “Bean and the Epic Workshop Fail” explores the entanglements of linguistic supremacism and racism, offering readers an example of composite character counterstory set in an undergraduate composition pedagogy course. 


Keywords: counterstory; critical race theory; composition pedagogy; linguistic supremacism, white supremacy, and racism; anti-racist pedagogy
