
Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Book Chapter
Hare, K. G. . (2007). Beta-expansions of Pisot and Salem numbers. In Computer algebra 2006 (pp. 67–84). World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ. doi:10.1142/9789812778857_0005 p24_beta.tar.gz
Journal Article
Hare, K. G. , & Noytaptim, C. . (Submitted). Totally real algebraic numbers in generalized Mandelbrot set. Retrieved from
Hare, K. G. . (Submitted). Computational progress on the unfair 0-1 polynomial Conjecture. Retrieved from
Hare, K. G. . (Submitted). Self-similar measures with unusual local dimension properties. Retrieved from
Hare, K. G. , & Vavra, T. . (Accepted). Self-similar sets and self-similar measures in the $p$-adics. Journal of Fractal Geometry. Retrieved from
Hare, K. G. , & Sidorov, N. . (2024). The Minkowski sum of linear Cantor sets. Acta Arithmetica, 212(2), 173-183. Retrieved from table.txt
Caldwell, J. W. , Hare, K. G. , & Tomáš, T. . (2024). Non-expansive matrix number systems with bases similar to certain Jordan blocks. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 202, 21 pp. Retrieved from
Hare, K. G. , & Saunders, J. C. . (2022). Generalised Fibonacci sequences constructed from balanced words. Journal of Number Theory, 231, 349--377. Retrieved from
Hare, K. G. , & Hodges, P. W. . (2022). Applications of Integer and Semi-Infinite Programming to the Integer Chebyshev Problem. Experimental Mathematics, 2, 694--700. Retrieved from Code_DataFiles.tar
Hare, K. G. , & Sidorov, N. . (2021). On a family of self-affine IFS whose attractors have non-fractal top. Fractals, 29(6). Retrieved from https:/// g_data.tex ros_data.txt
Hare, K. G. , & Sidorov, N. . (2021). Conjugates of Pisot numbers. Int. J. Number Theory, 17(6), 1307--1321. Retrieved from
Hare, K. E. , Hare, K. G. , & Rutar, A. . (2021). When the Weak Separation Condition implies the Generalized Finite Type Condition. Proc. AMS, 149(4), 1555--1568. Retrieved from
Hare, K. G. , Kempton, T. , Persson, T. , & Sidorov, N. . (2021). Computing Garsia Entropy for Bernoulli Convolutions with Algebraic Parameters. Nonlinearity, 34(7), 4744--4763. Retrieved from
Hare, K. G. , & Jankauskas, J. . (2021). On Newman and Littlewood polynomials with prescribed number of zeros inside the unit disk. Math of Computation, 90(328), 831--870. Retrieved from
Hare, K. E. , Hare, K. G. , & Shen, W. . (2021). The Lq-spectrum for a class of self-similar measures with overlap. Asian Journal of Mathematics, 25(2), 195--228. Retrieved from
Hare, K. E. , & Hare, K. G. . (2020). Intermediate Assouad-like dimensions for measures. Fractals, 28(7). Retrieved from
Hare, K. E. , Hare, K. G. , & Troscheit, S. . (2020). Quasi-doubling of self-similar measures with overlaps. Journal of Fractal Geometry, 7(3), 233-270. Retrieved from
Hare, K. E. , Hare, K. G. , Morris, B. P. M. , & Shen, W. . (2019). The Entropy of Cantor--like measures. Acta Math. Hungar.. Retrieved from
Hare, K. E. , & Hare, K. G. . (2019). Local dimensions of overlapping self-similar measures. Real Analysis Exchange, 44(2), 247--265. Retrieved from
Fraser, J. M. , Hare, K. E. , Hare, K. G. , Troscheit, S. , & Yu, H. . (2019). The Assouad spectrum and the quasi-Assouad dimension: a tale of two spectra. Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ Mathematica, 24(1), 379--387. Retrieved from
