
Author Title Type [ Year(Desc)]
Morison, M. Q. , Macrae, M. L. , Petrone, R. M. , & Fishback, L. A. . (2017). Seasonal dynamics in shallow freshwater pond‐peatland hydrochemical interactions in a subarctic permafrost environment. Hydrological processes, 31(2), 462-475.
Van Esbroeck, C. J. , Macrae, M. L. , Brunke, R. R. , & McKague, K. . (2017). Surface and subsurface phosphorus export from agricultural fields during peak flow events over the nongrowing season in regions with cool, temperate climates. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 72(1), 65-76. Soil and Water Conservation Society.
Morison, M. Q. , Macrae, M. L. , Petrone, R. M. , & Fishback, L. A. . (2018). Climate-induced changes in nutrient transformations across landscape units in a thermokarst subarctic peatland. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 50(1), e1519366. Taylor & Francis.
Haque, A. , Ali, G. , Macrae, M. , Badiou, P. , & Lobb, D. . (2018). Hydroclimatic influences and physiographic controls on phosphorus dynamics in prairie pothole wetlands. Science of The Total Environment, 645, 1410-1424. Elsevier.
Plach, J. M. , Macrae, M. L. , Williams, M. R. , Lee, B. D. , & King, K. W. . (2018). Dominant glacial landforms of the lower Great Lakes region exhibit different soil phosphorus chemistry and potential risk for phosphorus loss. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 44(5), 1057-1067. Elsevier.
Gingras‐Hill, T. , Nwaishi, F. C. , Macrae, M. L. , Price, J. S. , & Petrone, R. M. . (2018). Ecohydrological functioning of an upland undergoing reclamation on post‐mining landscape of the Athabasca oil sands region, Canada. Ecohydrology, 11(4), e1941.
Cober, J. R. , Macrae, M. L. , & Van Eerd, L. L. . (2018). Nutrient release from living and terminated cover crops under variable freeze–thaw cycles. Agronomy Journal. The American Society of Agronomy, Inc.
Volik, O. , Petrone, R. M. , Hall, R. I. , Macrae, M. L. , Wells, C. M. , & Price, J. S. . (2018). Organic matter accumulation and salinity change in open water areas within a saline boreal fen in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Canada. CATENA, 165, 425-433. Elsevier.
Depante, M. , Petrone, R. M. , Devito, K. J. , Kettridge, N. , Macrae, M. L. , Mendoza, C. , & Waddington, J. M. . (2018). Potential influence of nutrient availability along a hillslope: Peatland gradient on aspen recovery following fire. Ecohydrology, 11(5), e1955.
Ali, G. , Macrae, M. , Walker, M. , Laing, J. , & Lobb, D. . (2018). Preferential Flow in Vertisolic Soils with and without Organic Amendments. Agricultural & Environmental Letters, 3(1). The American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil ….
Plach, J. M. , Macrae, M. L. , Ali, G. A. , Brunke, R. R. , English, M. C. , Ferguson, G. , W Lam, V. , et al. (2018). Supply and Transport Limitations on Phosphorus Losses from Agricultural Fields in the Lower Great Lakes Region, Canada. Journal of environmental quality, 47(1), 96-105. The American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil ….
Kokulan, V. , Macrae, M. L. , Ali, G. A. , & Lobb, D. A. . (2019). Hydroclimatic controls on runoff activation in an artificially drained, near‐level vertisolic clay landscape in a Prairie climate. Hydrological Processes.
Cober, J. R. , Macrae, M. L. , & Van Eerd, L. L. . (2019). Winter Phosphorus Release from Cover Crops and Linkages with Runoff Chemistry. Journal of Environmental Quality. The American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil ….
Costa, D. , Pomeroy, J. W. , Brown, T. , Baulch, H. , Elliott, J. , & Macrae, M. . (2021). Advances in the simulation of nutrient dynamics in cold climate agricultural basins: Developing new nitrogen and phosphorus modules for the Cold Regions Hydrological Modelling Platform. Journal of Hydrology, 603, 126901. Elsevier.
Price, D. W. , Plach, J. M. , Jarvie, H. P. , & Macrae, M. L. . (2021). Contribution of bunker silo effluent discharged via a riparian zone to watershed phosphorus loads. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 47, 1296–1304. Elsevier.
Liu, J. , Elliott, J. A. , Wilson, H. F. , Macrae, M. L. , Baulch, H. M. , & Lobb, D. A. . (2021). Phosphorus runoff from Canadian agricultural land: A cross-region synthesis of edge-of-field results. Agricultural Water Management, 255, 107030. Elsevier.
Liu, J. , Elliott, J. A. , Wilson, H. F. , Macrae, M. L. , Baulch, H. M. , & Lobb, D. A. . (2021). Phosphorus runoff from Canadian agricultural land: A dataset for 30 experimental fields. Data in Brief, 38, 107405. Elsevier.
Pluer, W. T. , Plach, J. M. , Hassan, A. , Price, D. , & Macrae, M. L. . (2022). Retention of phosphorus in soils receiving bunker silo effluent. Journal of Environmental Management, 323, 116147. Academic Press.
Jarvie, H. P. , Macrae, M. L. , Anderson, M. , Celmer-Repin, D. , Plach, J. , & King, S. M. . (2022). River metabolic fingerprints and regimes reveal ecosystem responses to enhanced wastewater treatment. Journal of Environmental Quality, 51, 811–825.
Coppolino, J. , Munford, K. E. , Macrae, M. , & Glasauer, S. . (2022). Shifts in soil phosphorus fractions during seasonal transitions in a riparian floodplain wetland. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10, 2476. Frontiers.
