
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Kokulan, V., Macrae, M. L., Ali, G. A., & Lobb, D. A.. (2019). Hydroclimatic controls on runoff activation in an artificially drained, near‐level vertisolic clay landscape in a Prairie climate. Hydrological Processes.
Cober, J. R., Macrae, M. L., & Van Eerd, L. L.. (2019). Winter Phosphorus Release from Cover Crops and Linkages with Runoff Chemistry. Journal of Environmental Quality. The American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil ….
Morison, M. Q., Macrae, M. L., Petrone, R. M., & Fishback, L. A.. (2018). Climate-induced changes in nutrient transformations across landscape units in a thermokarst subarctic peatland. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 50(1), e1519366. Taylor & Francis.
Haque, A., Ali, G., Macrae, M., Badiou, P., & Lobb, D.. (2018). Hydroclimatic influences and physiographic controls on phosphorus dynamics in prairie pothole wetlands. Science of The Total Environment, 645, 1410-1424. Elsevier.
Plach, J. M., Macrae, M. L., Williams, M. R., Lee, B. D., & King, K. W.. (2018). Dominant glacial landforms of the lower Great Lakes region exhibit different soil phosphorus chemistry and potential risk for phosphorus loss. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 44(5), 1057-1067. Elsevier.
Gingras‐Hill, T., Nwaishi, F. C., Macrae, M. L., Price, J. S., & Petrone, R. M.. (2018). Ecohydrological functioning of an upland undergoing reclamation on post‐mining landscape of the Athabasca oil sands region, Canada. Ecohydrology, 11(4), e1941.
Cober, J. R., Macrae, M. L., & Van Eerd, L. L.. (2018). Nutrient release from living and terminated cover crops under variable freeze–thaw cycles. Agronomy Journal. The American Society of Agronomy, Inc.
Volik, O., Petrone, R. M., Hall, R. I., Macrae, M. L., Wells, C. M., & Price, J. S.. (2018). Organic matter accumulation and salinity change in open water areas within a saline boreal fen in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Canada. CATENA, 165, 425-433. Elsevier.
Depante, M., Petrone, R. M., Devito, K. J., Kettridge, N., Macrae, M. L., Mendoza, C., & Waddington, J. M.. (2018). Potential influence of nutrient availability along a hillslope: Peatland gradient on aspen recovery following fire. Ecohydrology, 11(5), e1955.
Ali, G., Macrae, M., Walker, M., Laing, J., & Lobb, D.. (2018). Preferential Flow in Vertisolic Soils with and without Organic Amendments. Agricultural & Environmental Letters, 3(1). The American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil ….
Plach, J. M., Macrae, M. L., Ali, G. A., Brunke, R. R., English, M. C., Ferguson, G., W Lam, V., et al. (2018). Supply and Transport Limitations on Phosphorus Losses from Agricultural Fields in the Lower Great Lakes Region, Canada. Journal of environmental quality, 47(1), 96-105. The American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil ….
Morison, M. Q., Macrae, M. L., Petrone, R. M., & Fishback, L. A.. (2017). Capturing temporal and spatial variability in the chemistry of shallow permafrost ponds. Biogeosciences, 14(23), 5471-5485. Copernicus GmbH.
Volik, O., Petrone, R. M., Hall, R. I., Macrae, M. L., Wells, C. M., Elmes, M. C., & Price, J. S.. (2017). Long-term precipitation-driven salinity change in a saline, peat-forming wetland in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Canada: a diatom-based paleolimnological study. Journal of Paleolimnology, 58(4), 533-550. Springer Netherlands.
Lozier, T. M., & Macrae, M. L.. (2017). Potential phosphorus mobilization from above-soil winter vegetation assessed from laboratory water extractions following freeze–thaw cycles. Canadian Water Resources Journal/Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques, 42(3), 276-288. Taylor & Francis.
Plach, J. M., Wood, M. E., Macrae, M. L., Osko, T. J., & Petrone, R. M.. (2017). Effect of a semi‐permanent road on N, P, and CO2 dynamics in a poor fen on the Western Boreal Plain, Canada. Ecohydrology, 10(7), e1874.
Lozier, T. M., Macrae, M. L., Brunke, R., & Van Eerd, L. L.. (2017). Release of phosphorus from crop residue and cover crops over the non-growing season in a cool temperate region. Agricultural water management, 189, 39-51. Elsevier.
Morison, M. Q., Macrae, M. L., Petrone, R. M., & Fishback, L. A.. (2017). Seasonal dynamics in shallow freshwater pond‐peatland hydrochemical interactions in a subarctic permafrost environment. Hydrological processes, 31(2), 462-475.
Van Esbroeck, C. J., Macrae, M. L., Brunke, R. R., & McKague, K.. (2017). Surface and subsurface phosphorus export from agricultural fields during peak flow events over the nongrowing season in regions with cool, temperate climates. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 72(1), 65-76. Soil and Water Conservation Society.
Nwaishi, F., Petrone, R. M., Macrae, M. L., Price, J. S., Strack, M., Slawson, R., & Andersen, R.. (2016). Above and below-ground nutrient cycling: a criteria for assessing the biogeochemical functioning of a constructed fen. Applied soil ecology, 98, 177-194. Elsevier.
Van Esbroeck, C. J., Macrae, M. L., Brunke, R. I., & McKague, K.. (2016). Annual and seasonal phosphorus export in surface runoff and tile drainage from agricultural fields with cold temperate climates. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 42(6), 1271-1280. Elsevier.
