
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Lam, W. V., Macrae, M. L., English, M. C., O'Halloran, I. P., & Wang, Y. T.. (2016). Effects of tillage practices on phosphorus transport in tile drain effluent under sandy loam agricultural soils in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 42(6), 1260-1270. Elsevier.
Nwaishi, F., Petrone, R. M., Macrae, M. L., Price, J. S., Strack, M., & Andersen, R.. (2016). Preliminary assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from a constructed fen on post-mining landscape in the Athabasca oil sands region, Alberta, Canada. Ecological engineering, 95, 119-128. Elsevier.
Lam, W. V., Macrae, M. L., English, M. C., O'Halloran, I. P., Plach, J. M., & Wang, Y.. (2016). Seasonal and event‐based drivers of runoff and phosphorus export through agricultural tile drains under sandy loam soil in a cool temperate region. Hydrological processes, 30(15), 2644-2656.
Wood, M. E., Macrae, M. L., Strack, M., Price, J. S., Osko, T. J., & Petrone, R. M.. (2016). Spatial variation in nutrient dynamics among five different peatland types in the Alberta oil sands region. Ecohydrology, 9(4), 688-699.
MacDonald, L. A., Farquharson, N., Merritt, G., Fooks, S., Medeiros, A. S., Hall, R. I., Wolfe, B. B., et al. (2015). Limnological regime shifts caused by climate warming and Lesser Snow Goose population expansion in the western Hudson Bay Lowlands (Manitoba, Canada). Ecology and evolution, 5(4), 921-939.
King, K. W., Williams, M. R., Macrae, M. L., Fausey, N. R., Frankenberger, J., Smith, D. R., Kleinman, P. J. A., et al. (2015). Phosphorus transport in agricultural subsurface drainage: A review. Journal of environmental quality, 44(2), 467-485. The American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil ….
Williams, M. R., King, K. W., Macrae, M. L., Ford, W., Van Esbroeck, C., Brunke, R. I., English, M. C., et al. (2015). Uncertainty in nutrient loads from tile-drained landscapes: Effect of sampling frequency, calculation algorithm, and compositing strategy. Journal of Hydrology, 530, 306-316. Elsevier.
MacDonald, L. A., Farquharson, N., Hall, R. I., Wolfe, B. B., Macrae, M. L., & Sweetman, J. N.. (2014). Avian-driven modification of seasonal carbon cycling at a tundra pond in the Hudson Bay Lowlands (northern Manitoba, Canada). Arctic, antarctic, and alpine research, 46(1), 206-217. Taylor & Francis.
White, J., Hall, R. I., Wolfe, B. B., Light, E. M., Macrae, M. L., & Fishback, L. A.. (2014). Hydrological connectivity and basin morphometry influence seasonal water-chemistry variations in tundra ponds of the northwestern Hudson Bay Lowlands. Arctic, antarctic, and alpine research, 46(1), 218-235. Taylor & Francis.
Eichel, K. A., Macrae, M. L., Hall, R. I., Fishback, L. A., & Wolfe, B. B.. (2014). Nutrient uptake and short-term responses of phytoplankton and benthic algal communities from a subarctic pond to experimental nutrient enrichment in microcosms. Arctic, antarctic, and alpine research, 46(1), 191-205. Taylor & Francis.
Macrae, M. L., Brown, L. C., Duguay, C. R., Parrott, J. A., & Petrone, R. M.. (2014). Observed and projected climate change in the Churchill region of the Hudson Bay Lowlands and implications for pond sustainability. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 46(1), 272-285. Taylor & Francis.
Andersen, R., Wells, C., Macrae, M., & Price, J.. (2013). Nutrient mineralisation and microbial functional diversity in a restored bog approach natural conditions 10 years post restoration. Soil biology and Biochemistry, 64, 37-47. Pergamon.
Macrae, M. L., Devito, K. J., Strack, M., & Waddington, J. M.. (2013). Effect of water table drawdown on peatland nutrient dynamics: implications for climate change. Biogeochemistry, 112(1-3), 661-676. Springer Netherlands.
Wolfe, B. B., Light, E. M., Macrae, M. L., Hall, R. I., Eichel, K., Jasechko, S., White, J., et al. (2011). Divergent hydrological responses to 20th century climate change in shallow tundra ponds, western Hudson Bay Lowlands. Geophysical Research Letters, 38(23).
Petrone, R. M., Solondz, D. S., Macrae, M. L., Gignac, D., & Devito, K. J.. (2011). Microtopographical and canopy cover controls on moss carbon dioxide exchange in a western Boreal Plain peatland. Ecohydrology, 4(1), 115-129. Wiley-Blackwell.
Macrae, M. L., Zhang, Z., Stone, M., Price, J. S., Bourbonniere, R. A., & Leach, M.. (2011). Subsurface mobilization of phosphorus in an agricultural riparian zone in response to flooding from an upstream reservoir. Canadian Water Resources Journal/Revue canadienne des ressources hydriques, 36(4), 293-311. Taylor & Francis Group.
DeSimone, J., Macrae, M. L., & Bourbonniere, R. A.. (2010). Spatial variability in surface N2O fluxes across a riparian zone and relationships with soil environmental conditions and nutrient supply. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 138(1-2), 1-9. Elsevier.
Macrae, M. L., English, M. C., Schiff, S. L., & Stone, M.. (2010). Influence of antecedent hydrologic conditions on patterns of hydrochemical export from a first-order agricultural watershed in Southern Ontario, Canada. Journal of Hydrology, 389(1-2), 101-110. Elsevier.
Branfireun, B. A., & Macrae, M. L.. (2009). Advances in Canadian research coupling hydrology and water quality, 2003-2007. Canadian Water Resources Journal, 34(2), 187-194. Taylor & Francis Group.
Macrae, M. L., English, M. C., Schiff, S. L., & Stone, M.. (2009). Influence of Antecedent Hydrologic Conditions on Nitrate and Phosphorus Export from a Small Agricultural Catchment in Southern Ontario, Canada. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts.
