
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
Shum, H., Zoppello, M., Astwood, M. & Morandotti, M. Control of microparticles through hydrodynamic interactions. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1004, A4 (2025).
Marchello, R., Morandotti, M., Shum, H. & Zoppello, M. The N-link swimmer in three dimensions: controllability and optimality results. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 178, 6 (2022).
Tokárová, V. et al. Patterns of bacterial motility in microfluidics-confining environments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118, 17, e2013925118 (2021).
Shklyaev, O.E., Shum, H. & Balazs, A.C. Using chemical pumps and motors to design flows for directed particle assembly. Accounts of Chemical Research 51, 11, 2672-2680 (2018).
Shum, H. & Balazs, A.C. Flow-driven assembly of microcapsules into three-dimensional towers. Langmuir 34, 8, 2890-2899 (2018).
Ortiz-Rivera, I., Shum, H., Agrawal, A., Sen, A. & Balazs, A.C. Convective flow reversal in self-powered enzyme micropumps. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113, 10, 2585-2590 (2016). ortiz-rivera_et_al._-_2016_-_convective_flow_reversal_in_self-powered_enzyme_mi.pdf
Shklyaev, O.E., Shum, H., Sen, A. & Balazs, A.C. Harnessing surface-bound enzymatic reactions to organize microcapsules in solution. Science Advances 2, 3, e1501835 (2016). shklyaev_et_al._-_2016_-_harnessing_surface-bound_enzymatic_reactions_to_or.pdf
