
“‘Doing Without Women’ in a Viennese Women’s Newspaper: Otto Bittner’s Wendelin (1935-6)”, at Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Conference (virtual), Thursday, June 3, 2021

In February 1934, Engelbert Dolfuss’s regime outlawed the Austrian Social Democratic Party and took over its various newspapers, many of which were “normalized” – integrated into a nationalist and anti-socialist, but also anti-Nazi, worldview.

One of these newspapers was the weekly Die Unzufriedene, founded in 1923 under the editorship of Eugenie Brandt to expose the oppression of working-class women – though it soon came to include kitschy serialized novels as well. Now, however, the paper was handed over to a male editor, Fritz Robert Kirchner; its new title, Das Kleine...

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