
Diversity and Neurodiversity in the Comics of Daniela Schreiter, at Comics Studies Society, Denton, TX (remote), Saturday, July 29, 2023

The cover of Daniela Schreiter’s 2014 bestseller Schattenspringer: Wie es ist, anders zu sein (literally, “Shadow Jumper: What It’s Like to Be Different,” translated as The World Beyond My Shadow: A Life with Autism, 2020) proclaims itself as “enlightening about Asperger-autism, barely known in Germany, and dispelling prejudices,” further describing autism as a “taboo topic [Tabuthema].” The comic’s publisher, Panini, which long showed little interest in producing...

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‘Schmutz und Schund’ From Dime Novels to Comics: The Post-World War II Revival of the ‘Smut and Trash’ Discourse in Germany., at The International Graphic Novel and Comics Conference, Cambridge, UK (remote), Tuesday, July 4, 2023

The aftermath of World War II in West Germany was not only military occupation, but also German fear of cultural occupation by an American mass culture considered inferior and superficial. Particular stress lay on the alleged deleterious effect on young people of American-style comic books—an especially salient danger, given that an entire cohort of boys socialized under Hitler was now being raised under the supposedly inadequate discipline of widowed mothers.

... Read more about ‘Schmutz und Schund’ From Dime Novels to Comics: The Post-World War II Revival of the ‘Smut and Trash’ Discourse in Germany.
