
Author Title Type Year(Asc)
The Forgotten World Of Vienna'S Interwar Comic Strips. 2024. In Comics|Histories: Texts, Methods, Resources, ed. Jessica Bauwens-Sugimoto, Felix Giesa and Christina Meyer, 131-171. Rombach Wissenschaft.
Flüchtlingscomics: Comics About / For / By Refugees--Across Cultures, Or At Cross Purposes?. 2021. In Jahrbuch Für Internationale Germanistik 141, ed. Andrea Speltz and Nikola von Merveldt, 63-78. Peter Lang.
Kissing The Frog: Reframing Translation In The L2 Classroom. 2016. In Translation And Translating In German Studies: A Festschrift For Raleigh Whitinger, ed. John L. Plews and Diana Spokiene. With Barbara Schmenk , 265-78. WLU Press.
Transcultural Hybridization In Home-Grown German Manga. 2012. In Intercultural Crossovers, Transcultural Flows: Manga/Comics, ed. Jaqueline Berndt. Global Manga Studies 2th ed., 49-60. Kyoto Seika University International Manga Research Center.
Mangascape Germany: Comics As Intercultural Neutral Ground. 2010. In Comics As A Nexus Of Cultures: Essays On The Interplay Of Media, Disciplines And International Perspectives, ed. Mark Berninger, Jochen Ecke and Gideon Haberkorn, 223-34. McFarland.
The Manga Publishing Scene In Europe. 2010. In Manga: An Anthology Of Global And Cultural Perspectives, ed. Toni Johnson-Woods, 315-31. Continuum.
From Bravo To To Export: Capitalizing On German Boys' Love Fandom, Culturally, Socially And Economically. 2010. In Boys’ Love Manga: Essays On The Sexual Ambiguity And Cross-Cultural Fandom Of The Genre, ed. Antonia Levi, Mark McHarry and Dru Pagliassotti, 23-43. McFarland.
They Sold Their Soul For Rock'N'Roll: Faustian Rock Musicals. 2008. In International Faust Studies: Adaptation, Reception, Translation, ed. Lorna Fitzsimmons, 216-230. Continuum.
From Blockbuster To Flop?: The Apparent Failure (Or Possible Transcendence) Of Ralf König'S Queer Comics Aesthetic In Maybe.. Maybe Not And Killer Condom. 2007. In Film And Comic Books, ed. Ian Gordon, Mark Jancovich, and Matthew P. McAllister, 221-45. University Press of Mississippi .
