
Author [ Title(Desc)] Type Year
Herdman, C. M. ; Roy, P. - N. ; Melko, R. G. ; Del Maestro, A. . Particle Entanglement In Continuum Many-Body Systems Via Quantum Monte Carlo. Physical Review B 2014, 89, 140501.
Herdman, C. M. ; Roy, P. - N. ; Melko, R. G. ; Del Maestro, A. . Particle Entanglement In Continuum Many-Body Systems Via Quantum Monte Carlo. Physical Review B 2014, 89, 140501.
Herdman, C. M. ; Roy, P. - N. ; Melko, R. G. ; Del Maestro, A. . Particle Entanglement In Continuum Many-Body Systems Via Quantum Monte Carlo. Physical Review B 2014, 89, 140501.
Blinov, N. V. ; Roy, P. - N. ; Voth, G. A. . Path Integral Formulation Of Centroid Dynamics For Systems Obeying Bose–Einstein Statistics. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2001, 115, 4484–4495.
Blinov, N. V. ; Roy, P. - N. ; Voth, G. A. . Path Integral Formulation Of Centroid Dynamics For Systems Obeying Bose–Einstein Statistics. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2001, 115, 4484–4495.
Blinov, N. V. ; Roy, P. - N. ; Voth, G. A. . Path Integral Formulation Of Centroid Dynamics For Systems Obeying Bose–Einstein Statistics. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2001, 115, 4484–4495.
Sahoo, T. ; Serwatka, T. ; Roy, P. - N. . A Path Integral Ground State Approach For Asymmetric Top Rotors With Nuclear Spin Symmetry: Application To Water Chains. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2021, 154, 244305.
Sahoo, T. ; Iouchtchenko, D. ; Herdman, C. M. ; Roy, P. - N. . A Path Integral Ground State Replica Trick Approach For The Computation Of Entanglement Entropy Of Dipolar Linear Rotors. The Journal of chemical physics 2020, 152, 184113.
Cuervo, J. E. ; Roy, P. - N. . Path Integral Ground State Study Of Finite-Size Systems: Application To Small (Parahydrogen) N (N= 2–20) Clusters. The Journal of chemical physics 2006, 125, 124314.
Cuervo, J. E. ; Roy, P. - N. . Path Integral Ground State Study Of Finite-Size Systems: Application To Small (Parahydrogen) N (N= 2–20) Clusters. The Journal of chemical physics 2006, 125, 124314.
Cuervo, J. E. ; Roy, P. - N. . Path Integral Ground State Study Of Finite-Size Systems: Application To Small (Parahydrogen) N (N= 2–20) Clusters. The Journal of chemical physics 2006, 125, 124314.
Cuervo, J. E. ; Roy, P. - N. ; Boninsegni, M. . Path Integral Ground State With A Fourth-Order Propagator: Application To Condensed Helium. The Journal of chemical physics 2005, 122, 114504.
Cuervo, J. E. ; Roy, P. - N. ; Boninsegni, M. . Path Integral Ground State With A Fourth-Order Propagator: Application To Condensed Helium. The Journal of chemical physics 2005, 122, 114504.
Cuervo, J. E. ; Roy, P. - N. ; Boninsegni, M. . Path Integral Ground State With A Fourth-Order Propagator: Application To Condensed Helium. The Journal of chemical physics 2005, 122, 114504.
Roy, P. N. ; Blinov, N. . Path Integral Method To Study Rotations In Doped Helium Clusters: Application To He-N-Ocs And He-N-N2O. In ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY; AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA, 2004; Vol. 227, pp. U248–U248.
Raymond, N. ; Iouchtchenko, D. ; Roy, P. - N. ; Nooijen, M. . A Path Integral Methodology For Obtaining Thermodynamic Properties Of Nonadiabatic Systems Using Gaussian Mixture Distributions. The Journal of chemical physics 2018, 148, 194110.
Schmidt, M. ; Roy, P. - N. . Path Integral Molecular Dynamic Simulation Of Flexible Molecular Systems In Their Ground State: Application To The Water Dimer. The Journal of chemical physics 2018, 148, 124116.
