
Cross-border Purchasing of Cigarettes among Smokers in Six European Countries: Findings from the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys, at 4th European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (Bucharest, Romania), Wednesday, March 27, 2019:
The availability of lower-cost cigarettes provides price-sensitive smokers with incentives to purchase cheaper cigarettes in order to minimize their financial costs of continuing to smoke. This study estimates the prevalence of and factors associated with cross-border purchasing of cheaper cigarettes among nationally representative samples of smokers from Germany, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Spain (n = 6,011).

Material and Methods:
The primary outcome was purchasing cheaper out-of-country cigarettes in the last six months. The prevalence of... Read more about Cross-border Purchasing of Cigarettes among Smokers in Six European Countries: Findings from the EUREST-PLUS ITC Europe Surveys
Prove It! Developing Systematic Search Methods for Evidence-Based Librarianship, at OLA SuperConference, Toronto, ON, Thursday, January 31, 2019

Presenters: Caitlin Carter, Jackie Stapleton, Laura Bredahl

Systematic and scoping reviews are well known methodologies within the health literature however these study designs are becoming more prominent in social science disciplines, including LIS research. Learn how a University of Waterloo research team developed systematic search methods to conduct a scoping review to investigate themes and trends in research consultations in academic libraries. Gain tips and techniques for creating systematic search methods including i) selecting databases, ii)...

Read more about Prove It! Developing Systematic Search Methods for Evidence-Based Librarianship
The Librarians’ Association of the University of Waterloo: A Unique Approach to Supporting Librarianship, at OLA Superconference, Toronto, Ontario, Thursday, January 31, 2019:

The Librarians’ Association of the University of Waterloo supports the welfare, professionalism, and role of librarians at a research-intensive institution. Working within a rare environment in the Canadian academic landscape where librarians do not have academic status and are not unionized, this association manages unique opportunities and challenges.

Read more about The Librarians’ Association of the University of Waterloo: A Unique Approach to Supporting Librarianship
