
“Homegrown Shōjo Manga and Germany’s ‘Forty-Niners’”, at Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Conference. San Francisco, California, Friday, March 21, 2008


Although the manga craze came to Germany later than it did to America or the Romance countries, German publishers have lost no time in capitalizing on the popularity of this Japanese import. Particularly important economically has been the appeal of manga to a previously barely tapped young female readership. Not content merely to import and translate Japanese product, however, the German manga publishers have aggressively fostered local manga artists by means of national competitions, with the winners publishing stories in German manga...

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“The German Manga Artist: Negotiating Nationality and Authenticity”, at Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Conference. Boston, Massachusetts, Friday, April 6, 2007


Japanese manga comics have recently become as hugely popular in Germany as they have in the English-speaking world. In Germany, however, the manga market has been colonized by the established comics publishers, principally Carlsen and Ehapa Verlag, who have not only been aggressive in licensing real Asian manga, but have also cultivated homegrown artists via competitions and magazines. These methods have led to the discovery and publication of several German manga artists, including Christina Plaka, Anike Hage, Gina Wetzel, Nina Werner,...

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Courseware and collaboration: Teaming up with instructional technology liaisons, at WILU Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

May 2007

Authors: Stapleton, J., Fullerton, A. & Lithgow, K.

At the University of Waterloo, Library resources have been included in many courses which use the University of Waterloo ANGEL Course Environment, UW-Ace. UW Librarians have built strong relationships with colleagues from the Centre for Learning and Teaching Through Technology (LT3). The LT3 Liaisons (one per Faculty) are faculty’s first contact to set up and integrate course material into UW-Ace. Since access to courses is restricted to instructors...

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