
Author [ Title(Desc)] Type Year
Posavljak, M. , Tighe, S. L. , & Godin, J. W. . (2013). Strategic total highway asset management integration. Transportation Research Record, 107-114. doi:10.3141/2354-11
Torres-Machi, C. , Nasir, F. , Achebe, J. , Saari, R. , & Tighe, S. . (2018). Sustainability Evaluation of Pavement Technologies Through Multicriteria Decision Techniques. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 25(3).
Tighe, S. , Haas, C. , Haas, R. , & Kennepohl, G. . (2008). Sustainability of pavement research programs through knowledge management, realistic policy objectives and quantifiable performance indicators. In TAC/ATC 2008 - 2008 Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada: Transportation - A Key to a Sustainable Future. Retrieved from
El-Hakim, M. Y. , & Tighe, S. L. . (2012). Sustainability of perpetual pavement designs: Canadian perspective. Transportation Research Record, 2304, 10-16. doi:10.3141/2304-02
Tighe, S. L. , & Gransberg, D. D. . (2012). Sustainable pavement maintenance practices. In 7th International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements and Technological Control, MAIREPAV 2012. Retrieved from
Gransberg, D. D. , Tighe, S. L. , Pittenger, D. , & Miller, M. C. . (2014). Sustainable pavement preservation and maintenance practices. Green Energy and Technology, 204, 393-418. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-44719-2_14
Osorio, A. , Tighe, S. , Chamorro, A. , & Videla, C. . (2012). Sustainable urban pavement management framework: A Chilean case study. In Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (Vol. 4, pp. 3424-3432). Retrieved from
Kivi, A. , Tighe, S. L. , Fung, R. , & Grajek, J. . (2013). Ten year performance evaluation of unbonded concrete overlay and Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement: A Toronto case study. In 2013 TAC Conference and Exhibition - Transportation: Better - Faster - Safer, TAC/ATC 2013. Retrieved from
Li, W. , Huyan, J. , Tighe, S. , Ren, Q. -qing, & Sun, Z. -yun. (2017). Three-Dimensional Pavement Crack Detection Algorithm Based on Two-Dimensional Empirical Mode Decomposition. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements, 143(2).
Liu, Q. , Gonzalez, M. , Tighe, S. L. , & Shalaby, A. . (2016). Three-dimensional surface texture of Portland cement concrete pavements containing nanosilica. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 1-8. doi:10.1080/10298436.2016.1231520
Irali, F. , Kivi, A. , Tighe, S. L. , & Sangiorgi, C. . (2015). Tire–pavement noise and wearing course surface characteristics of experimental canadian road pavement sections. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 42, 818-825. doi:10.1139/cjce-2014-0424
Tighe, S. , Lee, T. , McKim, R. , & Haas, R. . (1999). Traffic delay cost savings associated with trenchless technology. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 5, 45-51. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)1076-0342(1999)5:2(45)
Ketcheson, S. J. , Price, J. S. , Tighe, S. L. , & Stone, M. . (2014). Transport and retention of water and salt within pervious concrete pavements subjected to freezing and sand application. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 19. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001036.
Tighe, S. . (2010). Transportation association of canada development of a national pavement asset design and management guide (PADMG). International Journal of Pavement Research and Technology, 3, 1-2. Retrieved from
Knight, M. , Tighe, S. , & Adedapo, A. . (2004). Trenchless installations preserve pavement integrity. In TAC/ATC 2004 - 2004 Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada: Transportation Innovation - Accelerating the Pace. Retrieved from
Korczak, R. , Tighe, S. , McLeod, N. W. , & Cimini, G. . (2012). Use of an Automated Temperature Data Logger (ATDL) during falling weight deflectometer (FWD) testing. In 2012 TAC Conference and Exhibition - Transportation: Innovations and Opportunities, TAC/ATC 2012. Retrieved from
Uzarowski, L. , Maher, M. , Prilesky, H. , Tighe, S. , & Rothenburg, L. . (2006). The use of simple performance tests in the development of rutting resistant criteria for asphalt mixes in Canada stage 1. In TAC/ATC 2006 - 2006 Annual Conference and Exhibition of the Transportation Association of Canada: Transportation Without Boundaries. Retrieved from
Golroo, A. , & Tighe, S. . (2009). Use of soft computing applications to model pervious concrete pavement condition in cold climates. Journal of Transportation Engineering, 135, 791-800. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000052
Tighe, S. , Knight, M. , Papoutsis, D. , Rodriguez, V. , & Walker, C. . (2002). User cost savings in eliminating pavement excavations through employing trenchless technologies. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 29, 751-761. doi:10.1139/l02-071
Smith, J. , & Tighe, S. . (2005). User perceptions of maintenance, rehabilitation and reconstruction strategies. In Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (Vol. 2005, pp. TR-105-1-TR-105-10). Retrieved from
