Publications & Preprints

Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Vavasis, S. A. . (1991). Nonlinear Optimization: Complexity Issues. Oxford University Press.
Book Chapter
Doan, X. V. , & Vavasis, S. . (2019). Low-rank matrix recovery with Ky Fan 2-k-norm. In Optimization of Complex Systems: Theory, Models and Applications (pp. 310-319).
Vavasis, S. A. . (1999). Convex Optimization. In Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook. CRC Press.
Vavasis, S. A. , & Ye, Y. . (1996). On the relationship between layered least squares and affine scaling steps. In Lectures in Applied Mathematics, volume 32. American Mathematical Society.
Miller, G. , Teng, S. - H. , Thurston, W. , & Vavasis, S. . (1993). Automatic Mesh Partitioning. In Graph Theory and Sparse Matrix Computation. Springer Verlag.
Vavasis, S. A. . (1993). Complexity issues in global optimization: A survey. In Handbook for Global Optimization. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Vavasis, S. A. . (1993). Polynomial time weak approximation algorithms for quadratic programming. In Complexity in Numerical Optimization (pp. 490–500). World Scientific.
Vavasis, S. A. . (1992). On approximation algorithms for concave quadratic programming. In Recent Advances in Global Optimization (pp. 3–18). Princeton University Press.
Lieberherr, K. J. , & Vavasis, S. A. . (1982). Analysis of polynomial approximation algorithms for constraint expressions. In Theoretical Computer Science: 6th GI conference, Dortmund (Vol. 145). Springer Verlag.
Conference Paper
Majmudar, J. , & Vavasis, S. . (2020). Provable overlapping community detection in weighted graphs. In Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) (Vol. 2020). Retrieved from
Sastry, S. , Shontz, S. , & Vavasis, S. . (2012). A log-barrier method for mesh quality improvement. In Proceedings of 20th International Meshing Roundtable (pp. 329-346). Springer.
Biggs, M. , Ghodsi, A. , & Vavasis, S. A. . (2008). Nonnegative matrix factorization via rank-one downdating. In Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Machine Learning.
Howle, V. E. , & Vavasis, S. . (1998). Preconditioning complex-symmetric layered systems arising in electrical power modeling. In Proceedings of the Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods.
Mitchell, S. A. , & Vavasis, S. . (1996). An aspect ratio bound for triangulating a $d$-grid cut by a hyperplane (extended abstract). In Proc. 12th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry (pp. 48-57).
Vavasis, S. A. , & Ye, Y. . (1994). An accelerated interior point method whose running time depends only on $A$ (extended abstract). In Proceedings of the 26th Symposium on the Theory of Computing (pp. 512–521). ACM Press.
Bond, D. M. , & Vavasis, S. A. . (1992). Multigrid for mixed boundary integral equations. In Proc. 1992 Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods.
Mitchell, S. A. , & Vavasis, S. A. . (1992). Quality mesh generation in three dimensions. In Proceedings of the ACM Computational Geometry Conference (pp. 212–221).
Miller, G. L. , Teng, S. - H. , & Vavasis, S. A. . (1991). A unified geometric approach to graph separators. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (pp. 538–547).
Miller, G. L. , & Vavasis, S. A. . (1991). Density graphs and separators. In Proc. SIAM-ACM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms.
Hirsch, M. D. , & Vavasis, S. A. . (1987). Exponential lower bounds for finding Brouwer fixed points. In Proceedings 28th Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (p. 401–-410). IEEE Computer Society Press.
