AATSP Annual Conference
With keynote speaker Dr. James Skidmore, Director of the Waterloo Centre for German Studies
New approaches to teaching cultural studies online
James Skidmore’s university teaching may centre on the cultural history of German-speaking Europe, but his online teaching methods can be adapted to many different disciplines, including Spanish.

At the University of Waterloo, his online courses have been recognized with national innovation awards in 2012 and again in 2018. In this presentation, Skid will share some of the theories that inform his approach to online teaching and learning, and then walk audience members through a variety of examples that illustrate these ideas in action: how to move away from chronological approaches by using objects as cultural gateways, how curation of publicly available materials allows for more open pedagogy, how course content can be embedded into discussion forums in meaningful ways, how modular course structures can reduce development costs, and how to embed new media and apps to promote a richer learning environment.
For more information, visit the conference website