SPAN 217 LEC 0.50
First Nations, Native Americans, Pueblos Originarios
This course will introduce and expose students to the Indigenous civilizations that embody the Americas. Students will look at the cosmogonies, histories, and cultures of Indigenous peoples from pre-Columbian times to the 20th century. They will analyze Latin America's Pueblos Originarios' perspectives on conquest, colonization, and independence, and compare such perspectives to those of First Nations and Native Americans. Through their study of colonial, social, economic, and political relations, students will examine how the meanings of these categories changed over time and how Indigenous peoples have contributed to the ethnically diverse regional societies that continue to characterize Latin America today.
Note: Taught in English
Prereq: SPAN 150
SPAN 317 SEM 0.50
Afro-Latin America
The African diaspora is central to understanding the historical development and contemporary expressions of Latin American identity. Through the study of historical events, cultural production, and current affairs, this course examines African cultural legacies in Latin America, and explains the economic, societal, and political challenges faced by Afro-Latin Americans today.
Note: Taught in English (Cross-listed with BLKST 317)
Prereq: SPAN 150