
Department of Spanish and Latin American Studies
University of Waterloo
Waterloo ON N2L 3G1
519-888-4567 x 47906
Learn more about David Rozotto
University Degrees
- Ph.D. University of Ottawa (2012)
- M.A. University of Ottawa (2008)
- M.C.Ed. University of Saskatchewan (2005)
- C. Tran. Canadian Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Council, Ottawa (2000)
- B.A. University of Saskatchewan (1999)
Teaching and Research Interests
- Central American Narrative
- The Guatemalan Novel
- Latin American Cultural and Literary Studies
- The Latin American Regionalist Novel
- Creative Writing
- Conflict and Postconflict Central American Narrations. David Rozotto, editor. Special issue of CiberLetras. Journal of literary criticism and culture. (Forthcoming 2024)
Violencia, poder y afectos: Narrativas del miedo en Latinoamérica (Violence, Power and Affects: Narratives of Fear in Latin America). Ramírez Rojas, Marco, and David Rozotto, editors. Violence in the Hispanic and Lusophone Worlds Series. S.I.: Tamesis Books, 2022.
Centroamérica y los estudios centroamericanos en la periferia del hispanismo (Central America and Central American Studies in the Periphery of Hispanism). Rozotto, David, editor.Special issue of the Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos (Canadian Journal of Hispanic Studies) vol. 44, no. 1, 2019 (Published in May 2021).
- Modernización y territorialización en Guatemala : La novelística de Virgilio Rodríguez Macal. Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos, 2018
- Narrativas del miedo: Terror en obras literarias, cinemáticas y televisivas de Latinoamérica. Langer, Karem, Marco Ramírez and David Rozotto, eds. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2018
- Virgilio Rodríguez Macal: El hombre, el escritor y el intelectual. Guatemala: Editorial Piedra Santa, 2016
- Notas viajeras: Escritura de viajes y testimonio de nuevos autores latino-canadienses. Arteaga, Andrés and David Rozotto, eds. Fredericton, NB: Broken Jaw Press, 2013
Selected Publications
- Prologue. Sangre y clorofila (y otros cuentos) (Blood and Chlorophyll [and other stories]). An anthology of regionalist short stories written by Virgilio Rodríguez Macal. Guatemala: Editorial Piedra Santa, 2024.
- Prologue. Carazamba. A regionalist novel written by Virgilio Rodríguez Macal. Guatemala: Editorial Piedra Santa, 2024.
- Prologue. Jinayá. A regionalist novel written by Virgilio Rodríguez Macal. Guatemala: Editorial Piedra Santa, 2024.
- Prologue. Guayacán. A regionalist novel written by Virgilio Rodríguez Macal. Guatemala: Editorial Piedra Santa, 2024.
- “Heterofonía del miedo y trauma nacional: La primera novela de la invasión a Panamá en 1989” (Heterophony of Fear and National Trauma: The First Novel of the Invasion of Panama in 1989). In Violencia, poder y afectos: Narrativas del miedo en Latinoamérica (Violence, Power and Affects: Narratives of Fear in Latin America), edited by Marco Ramírez Rojas and David Rozotto. Violence in the Hispanic and Lusophone Worlds Series, S.I.: Tamesis Books, 2022, pp. 167-183.
- “Sociopolítica y literatura criollista en Guatemala: Del segundo gobierno de la Revolución a sus últimas manifestaciones, 1951-1963” (Socio-politics and Regionalist Literature in Guatemala: From the Second Revolutionary Government to the Last Manifestations, 1951-1963) (second part). Revista cultura de Guatemala, 40.2 (2019): 81-105 (Published in 2022).
- “Sociopolítica y literatura criollista en Guatemala: De los albores regionalistas al primer periodo de la primavera democrática, 1924-1950” (Socio-politics and Regionalist Literature in Guatemala: From Regionalist Beginnings to the First Administration of the Democratic Spring, 1924-1950) (first part). Revista cultura de Guatemala, vol. 40.1 (2019): 95-118 (Published in 2022).
- “Introducción. Centroamérica y los estudios centroamericanos” (Introduction. Central America and Central American Studies). In Centroamérica y los estudios centroamericanos en la periferia del hispanismo (Central America and Central American Studies in the Periphery of Hispanism), special issue of the Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos (Canadian Journal of Hispanic Studies), 44.1 (2019): 1-21 (Published in May 2021).
- “El criollismo en Hispanoamérica: Revisita y reflexiones sobre el patrimonio de una literatura centenaria” (Criollismo [Regional Literature] in Spanish America: Review and Reflections on the Legacy of a Century-Old Literature). Literatura: Teoría, historia, crítica 21.1 (2019): 117-141.
- Introduction. Narrativas del miedo: Terror en obras literarias, cinemáticas y televisivas de Latinoamérica (Narratives of Fear: Terror in Literary, Cinematic, and Television Works from Latin America). Marco Ramírez Rojas, David Rozotto, and Karem Langer, eds. Peter Lang Humanities List. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2018. vii-xi.
- Prologue. Cuatro cuentos diferentes (Four Different Tales). By Virgilio Rodríguez Macal. 1st ed. Guatemala: Editorial Piedra Santa, 2018. 4-13.
Translations Published
- Aurora Afterwards and Other Stories. Book-length Translation of Con Aurora después y otros cuentos by Julio Torres-Recinos. Ottawa: 2024.
- "The Magic Ashes." Translation of "Las cenizas mágicas", a short story by Julio Torroes-Recinos. (Fourthcoming).
- The Faces of Fear. Translation of Los rostros del miedo (book) by Julio Torres-Recinos. Ottawa: Editorial Lugar Común, 2017.
- “The Family Farm.” Translation of “La finca” by Luz Elena Cardona; “Of Losses and Absences in a Time of Violence.” Translation of “De mis despojos y ausencias en una era de violencia” by Consuelo Arbeláez; “Samantha.” Translation of “Samantha” by Maryluz López. Círculo del Ave Fénix: Memoria Histórica y Escritura en Colombia. Arteaga, Andrés, ed. (Forthcoming 2016).
- “Five Minutes.” Translation of “Cinco minutos” by Julio Torres-Recinos. K1N Journal of Literary Translation. The Four Americas Rewritten 3 (2013).
- “I’ve Gone Down to the Netherworlds.” Translation of “He bajado a los infiernos” by Julio Torres-Recinos. Creative Registry of the Canadian Association of Hispanists. Cuadernarios 9 (2007).
Conference Papers
International Conferences
- “Conflicto y postconflicto en Centroamérica: nuevas definiciones históricas y artísticas.” (Conflict and post-conflict in Central America: New historical and artistic definitions). 55th Annual Northeast Modern Language Association Convention. Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts. March 2024.
- “Deseo mimético en Guatemala, siglo XX: Representación de avidez femenina en Espada de remordimiento.” (Mimetic desire in 20th-century Guatemala: Representation of female avidity in Espada de remordimiento). 54th Annual Northeast Modern Language Association Convention. University of Buffalo/Niagara Falls Convention Centre, Niagara Falls, New York. March 2023.
- “Sobre modelos e innovaciones: Una mirada histórico crítica a las primeras novelas escritas por mujeres en Guatemala.” (Concerning models and innovations: A historical and critical look at the first novels written by women in Guatemala). 63rd Annual Midwest Modern Language Association Convention. Minneapolis, MN. November 2022.
- “Development of Revolutionary Awareness in the Guatemalan Written Record.” 62nd Annual Midwest Modern Language Association Convention. Milwaukee, WI. November 2021.
- “Rompiendo esquemas en Mah Rap (1946) de Amalia Cheves.” (Breaking Models in [the novel] Mah Rap [1946] by Amalia Cheves). 8th Central American Cultural Studies Congress. Universidad Rafael Landívar, Guatemala, October 2021.
- “Heterophony of a Cultural Trauma: The First Novel About the 1989 Invasion to Panama.” 52nd Annual Northeast Modern Language Association Convention, Virtual. March 2021.
- “Una propuesta económico-literaria para el desarrollo de regiones aisladas.” (An Economic-Literary Proposal for the Development of Isolated Regions). Symposium on Economic Imaginaries in the Literature and Films of Spain and Latin America. Lehman College, CUNY, New York, April 2019.
- “Cultural Sensitivity and Social Healing in Canadian Universities: Contributions from Latin American Studies.” 100th Annual Conference, American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. Salamanca, Spain. June 2018.
National Conferences
- “Geopolítica y marginación: El espectro de la aporofobia en la mujer hondureña.” (Geopolitics and marginalization: The Ghost of Aporophobia in Honduran Women). LX Congress of the Canadian Association of Hispanists. Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec. June 2024.
- “Renovación identitaria y nacional en el cuento panameño de principios del siglo XXI.” (Identitarian and national renovation in the early 21st-century Panamanian short story). 2023 Annual Conference of the Ontario Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario. October 2023.
- “El Caso Hall: Averiguaciones histórico-literarias sobre la primera novelista de Guatemala.” (The Hall Affair: Historic-Literary Enquiries About the First Woman Novelist in Guatemala). LVIII Congress of the Canadian Association of Hispanists, Virtual. June 2022.
- “Del realismo a la ciencia ficción de horror: Operación Causa Justa (1991) de Enrique Chuez y la violación de derechos humanos a nivel internacional.” (From Realism to Horror Science Fiction: Enrique Chuez’s Operation Just Cause [1991] and Violation of Human Rights at the International Level). LVII Congress of the Canadian Association of Hispanists, Virtual. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta. June 2021.
- “Inclusión lingüística y cultural en la narrativa centroamericana: Los casos marginales de Belice y Panamá.” (Linguistic and Cultural Inclusion in Central American Narrative: The Marginal Cases of Belize and Panama). LV Congress of the Canadian Association of Hispanists. University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia. June 2019.
- “Entre colosos, un gigante nacional: Protagonistas hiperbólicos centroamericanos entre el medioambiente y el neocolonialismo.” (Between Colossi, a National Giant: Hyperbolic Central American Protagonists between Environment and Neocolonialism). LIV Congress of the Canadian Association of Hispanists. University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan. May-June 2018.
Invited Presentations
- “Revoluciones e insurgencias latinoamericanas del siglo XX.” (20th-century Latin American revolutions and insurgencies). Hispanic Culture Seminar, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario. February 2024.
- “Panamá: Nación narrada en cuentos.” (Panama: A nation narrated through short stories). Central American Postwar Narrative Seminar, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario. November 2023.
- “Vida y obra de Virgilio Rodríguez Macal y sus Cuatro cuentos diferentes.” (Life and works of Virgilio Rodríguez Macal and his Cuatro cuentos diferentes [short stories book]). Virtual. Knowledge Integration Seminar, School of Graphic Design, Faculty of Architecture, University San Carlos of Guatemala, Guatemala. March 2023.
- “Literatura guatemalteca escrita por mujeres.” (Guatemalan literature written by women). Virtual. Guatemalan Literature Seminar, University Rafael Landívar, Guatemala. February 2023.
- “Teoría literaria y el criollismo guatemalteco.” (Literaty Theory and Guatemalan Regionalist Narrative). Virtual. Literary Theory Seminar III, University Rafael Landívar, Guatemala. March 2022.
- “Conversatorio con la poeta Aida Toledo y la narrativa postconflicto en Guatemala.” (Conversations with the Poet Aida Toledo and Post-Conflict Narrative in Guatemala). Virtual. Central American Literature: Postwar Narratives Seminar, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario. October 2020.
- “El miedo impuesto a las mujeres y su migración del triángulo norte centroamericano: Narrativas representacionales de Guatemala, El Salvador y Honduras.” (Fear Imposed on Women and their Migration from the Central American Northern Triangle: Representative Narratives from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras). Virtual. Narratives of Fear Graduate Seminar, Lehman College, New York City, NY. May 2020.
- “El criollismo guatemalteco: Cuarenta años de reflejo sociopolítico nacional (1924-1963).” (Guatemalan Regionalist Literature: Forty Years of National Sociopolitical Reflections). Virtual. Department of Letters and Philosophy, Faculty of Humanities, Rafael Landívar University, Guatemala. March 2020.
- “Política, dictadura y literatura en Guatemala.” (Politics, Dictatorship and Literature in Guatemala). Central American Literature: Narratives of War Seminar, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario. November 2019.
- “Central American Literature and the Future of Hispanic Studies.” Contemporary Spanish American Novels Graduate Seminar, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario. February 2019.
- “Retratos históricos de la mujer indígena guatemalteca en Ixcanul.” (Historical Portraits of Guatemalan Indigenous Women in Ixcanul [movie]). Gender, Power and Representations in Latin America Seminar, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario. November 2018.
Courses and Curriculum Development
Courses taught
Course Number | Title |
SPAN 101 & SPAN 102 | Introduction to Spanish 1 & 2 |
SPAN 150 | Welcome to Latin America |
SPAN 201A & SPAN 201B | Intermediate Spanish 1 & 2 |
SPAN 217 | First Nations, Native Americans, Pueblos Originarios |
SPAN 228 | Introduction to Latin American Literature |
SPAN 234 | Parallel Revolutions in a Nascent Continent |
SPAN 290 | Approaches to Translation |
SPAN 301A & SPAN 301B | Spanish in Context 1 & 2 |
SPAN 317 | Afro-Latin America |
SPAN 326 | Theatre of the Golden Age |
SPAN 329 | Lights, Camera, Action! Film Production in Spain & Latin America |
SPAN 390 | Introduction to Spanish Business Translation |
SPAN 395 | Cultural Dimension in English/Spanish Literary Translation |
SPAN 490 | Advanced Translation |
SPAN 345 | Directed Studies Course (several instances) |
Curriculum Development
Redesigned Courses
- SPAN 228 – Introduction to Latin American Literature: Students are introduced to Latin American literature through the reading of representative works of poetry, prose (short-stories & novels) and plays, along the timeline of Latin America’s literary, social and political histories. Special attention is paid to literary criticism and terminology, as well as the writing process to produce an academic essay in Spanish.
- SPAN 301A and SPAN 301B – Spanish in Context 1 and 2: Courses that promote students’ oral and written abilities in Spanish, as well as their critical understanding of the history and culture of the Spanish-speaking regions.
SPAN 390 – Introduction to Spanish Business Translation: A course in which students concentrate on translation as the written transformation of texts from English into Spanish and vice versa. The linguistic aspect of the course concentrates on business terminology, idiomatic expressions, cognates and confusing words. Translation work includes business documents such as legal contracts, personal credentials, business letters, government texts and technological documentation.
- SPAN 490 – Advanced Translation: A course for students enrolled in third and fourth year of the General or Honours program in Spanish, requiring fluency in both Spanish and English. The objective of this course is to refine translation techniques in order to enable the student to provide accurate and idiomatic translations of English texts in Spanish and vice versa.
Designed Courses
SPAN 217 – First Nations, Native Americans, Pueblos Originarios: Students look at the cosmogonies, histories, and cultures of Indigenous peoples from pre-Columbian times to the 20th century; analyze Latin America's Pueblos Originarios' perspectives on conquest, colonization, and independence; and compare such perspectives to those of First Nations and Native Americans. Through their study of colonial, social, economic, and political relations, students examine how Indigenous peoples are perceived within the larger societies within which they live, and how they have contributed to Latin American ethnic diversity.
SPAN 234 – Parallel Revolutions in a Nascent Continent: A course in which students look at the varied and complex geographical, ethnic, social, and historical forces that have shaped contemporary Latin American nations from the early 19th-century independence period to current affairs. Students analyze nation-building factors such as European-African-Asian-New World interactions, ethnic mixtures, military takeovers, revolutions, U.S. interventions in the region, and migratory experiences.
SPAN 290 – Approaches to Translation: Students are introduced to translation studies through the examination of different approaches to the discipline, along with practical experience. Students review the grammar of the Spanish and English languages within particular contexts as the basis for translation practices. The course also enhances students’ lexical and semantic knowledge of the Spanish language through an experiential component in the community.
BLKST 317/SPAN 317 – Afro-Latin America: The African diaspora is central to understanding the historical development and contemporary expressions of Latin American identity. Through the study of historical events, cultural production, and current affairs, this course examines African cultural legacies in Latin America, and explains the economic, societal, and political challenges faced by Afro-Latin Americans today.
CI 329/SPAN 329 – Lights, Camera, Action! Film Production in Spain and Latin America: By following the Latin American Film Festival, students have a close encounter with the manner in which Spanish and Latin American films address the intersection of class, gender and ethnicity, and the construction of regional, national and cultural identities. Students explore the history of cinema in Spain and Latin American countries in regard to the evolution of film genres, themes and representations.
- SPAN 395 – Cultural Dimensions in English/Spanish Literary Translation: This course focuses on the actual practice of translating literature, not only as the transformation of textual expressions, but also as a process of cultural interpretation. Besides reinforcing vocabulary and grammar, students also review notions of different literary genres (poetry, narrative and theatre), and solidify their knowledge on cultural studies.
Professional Activities
- Chair of the Central American Permanent Session of the Midwest Modern Language Association;
- Panel Organizer in the Northeast Modern Language Association Convention and the Canadian Association of Hispanists within the framework of the Canadian Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences;
- Conference Organizer, Annual Conference of the Ontario Chapter of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese;
- Article Reviewer for the Canadian Journal of Hispanic Studies, CiberLetras Journal of Literary Criticism and Culture, Centroamericana Journal of Central American and Caribbean Literature, and Catedral Tomada Journal of Latin American Literary Criticism;