![Mario Boido](/spanish/sites/default/files/uploads/images/mariob_0.jpg)
Associate Professor
Department of Spanish and Latin American Studies
University of Waterloo
Waterloo ON N2L 3G1
519-888-4567 x 45621
University Degrees
- Ph.D. University of Toronto, Canada
- M.A. University of Toronto, Canada
- B.A. University of Calgary, Canada
Research interests
Hispanic visual culture, word/image studies, contemporary Latin American literature and art, and critical theory.
Selected recent publications
Boido, Mario. El arte de hacer memoria: Nuevos acercamientos a la construcción de la memoria histórica en Argentina. (Under contract with Iberoamericana Editorial Vervuert)
Boido, Mario. De límites y convergencias: la relación palabra/imagen en la cultura visual latinoamericana del siglo xx. Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2012.
![Copy of book "De límites y convergencias: la relación palabra/imagen en la cultura visual latinoamericana del siglo xx"](/spanish/sites/default/files/uploads/images/boidobook.jpg)
The book is a study of contemporary Latin American cultural production that reframes the analysis of the word/image relationship in terms of the philosophical critique of representation to recognize that words and images deploy epistemological fields that are irreducible to one another. The tension resulting from these two epistemologies coming into contact as word/image –where they are made to account for what always remains just beyond their means– is understood then as the force that has, for centuries, made the intersection of the visual and the verbal such a fertile ground for the cultivation of human imagination. Through the work of Argentina avant-garde artist Xul Solar (1887-1963), I analyze a hybrid form of the relationship that combines words and images in the space of representation. The images of don Quixote created by Mexican artists José Guadalupe Posada (1852-1913) and Alfredo Zalce (1908-2003) represent a purely visual form of word/image as they transpose Cervantes’ character across time and space, from literature into the visual arts. In the narrative of Nobel laureate Mario Vargas Llosa I examine a verbal form of the relationship, and finally, an analysis of Jorge Luis Borges’ and Maurits Cornelis Escher’s works provides an ontology of word/image by focusing critical attention on its constitutive elements: the very limits of visual and verbal representation. Read the introduction here.
Federico Utrera interviews Mario Boido on "Un idioma sin fronteras", Radio Nacional de España (Radio Exterior), for the first installment of a new regular segment on art and literature. (Interview begins at 22:45)
Chapters in a book
“Fútbol y represión: Dos veces junio (2002) de Martín Kohan” in Ficções da História: Rescritas Latino-americanas. Guerrero, Jorge Carlo y Aimée González Bolaños (eds.). Rio de Grande: Editora da Furg
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande), 2014. 93-106 (in press)
Refereed articles
Courses taught
Course number | Title |
SPAN 227 | Introduction to Latin American Poetry and Drama |
SPAN 228 | Introduction to Latin American Prose |
SPAN 366 | Aesthetics of Rupture: Latin American Avant-garde Movements |
SPAN 410 | Visual Culture in the Contemporary Hispanic World |
SPAN 497 | The Novel in Latin America |
![Spanish painting](/spanish/sites/default/files/uploads/images/boido2.jpg)