Monday, December 9, 2024
We've launched an updated website with new features and information based on your feedback in our member survey, Suggestion Box, and elsewhere. These features include:
- A new section about how we advocate for staff interests
- More detail about our services
- More information about how the UWSA works and a clearer distinction between Association governance, member services, and our advocacy work with UW
- New ways to see opportunities to get involved with the UWSA
- Who we are and what we do in your words, thanks to those of you who gave us permission to use your (anonymous) comments in our member survey!
Still to come:
- Some fun UWSA and staff history
- Done! A directory of newsletters across campus (send us yours!)
- A roundup of past surveys we’ve done (and their results, of course)
- Plain language explanations of our Memorandum of Agreement and by-law
- Explanations and updates on items in past compensation recommendations