Arts International Experience Award

Award type: 
International experience awards
Award description: 

Several awards, valued at $1,000 each, will be provided annually to full-time undergraduate students registered in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Waterloo (excluding Accounting and Financial Management), who are planning to travel abroad to enhance her/his learning experience. Eligible international experiences include a minimally-paid or volunteer international co-op work placement, a volunteer placement, an academic exchange or a study term related to academic requirements. Selection will be based on academic achievement (minimum 75% overall average), the nature of the experience, and a personal letter describing planned outcomes. Preference will be given to students who will be travelling to an unfamiliar country where they will experience a different culture in a new learning environment. Interested students should submit an application by July 15 for Fall experiences or November 15 for Winter experiences. This fund is made possible by donations from various donors.

Eligibility & selection criteria: 
  • full-time undergraduate student in Year Two, Three or Four
  • pursuing a travel abroad experience in Winter term
  • minimum 75% overall average
  • eligible experiences include  a minimally-paid or volunteer international co-op work placement, a volunteer placement, an academic exchange or a study term related to academic requirements
  • experience must be a minimum  of two months in duration
  • preference given to students who will be travelling to an unfamiliar country where they will experience a different culture in a new learning environment
  • provide a letter to describe what the international experience means to you and how it will enhance your overall learning experience and connects to your overall educational goals
Year Two, Year Three, Year Four
Arts→Anthropology, Classical Studies, Communication Arts, Economics, English Language and Literature, Fine Arts, French Studies, Gender and Social Justice, Germanic and Slavic Studies, Global Business and Digital Arts, History, International Trade (minor), Liberal Studies, Medieval Studies, Music, Peace and Conflict Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, Religious Studies, Sexuality, Marriage and Family Studies, Social Development Studies, Sociology and Legal Studies, Spanish and Latin American Studies
Canadian citizen/permanent resident, International/study permit student
Selection process: 
Application required
Spring, Fall
Application details:
  • Complete the International Experience Award application
Application deadline: 
July 15, November 15
Additional instructions: 

Candidates are required to provide a letter to describe what the international experience means to them and how it will enhance her/his overall learning experience as well as how it connects to their overall educational goals.

  • Student Awards & Financial Aid
    • The Centre, Needles Hall