Engineering Undergraduate Student Opportunity Award

Award type: 
Financial need awards/bursaries
Award description: 

Numerous awards are provided annually to support undergraduate students experiencing financial difficulties. The fund is made possible by donations from interested donors and by a matching grant from the province of Ontario. Eligible students must have resided in Ontario for 12 months prior to beginning their post-secondary education.

Value description: 


Year One, Year Two, Year Three, Year Four
Engineering→Architecture, Architectural Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geological Engineering, Management Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics Engineering, Nanotechnology Engineering, Systems Design Engineering; Software Engineering
Canadian citizen/permanent resident
Selection process: 
Application required
Application details:
  • Complete the bursary application in Quest.
    • Log into your Quest account.
    • Select the Financial Aid tile and open the bursary application link.
    • You only need to submit one bursary application for the term to be considered for any available bursary funds.
    • If you've already submitted the bursary form this term, that's great - you don't have to reapply. We will consider all eligible applicants for this and other available bursary funds.
  • Student Awards & Financial Aid
    • The Centre, Needles Hall