Contact Information
Email: ckapsis@uwaterloo.ca
Phone: 519-888-4567 x36661
Location: CPH 3666
Assistant Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering
Dr. Costa Kapsis is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Waterloo. Costa’s research lies at the interface between science, engineering and architectural design with an emphasis on energy in buildings and communities. His research is focused on questions of energy efficiency, solar energy generation and energy transaction in the built environment. These research efforts aim towards the evolution of (i) building envelope technologies, (ii) climate-resilient cities and communities and (iii) energy integration between the building and transportation sectors.
Costa serves as an associate editor of the Architectural Engineering journal and co‑leader of the IEA PVPS Task 15 Subtask C on the development of Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) technical guidelines.
Costa supervises graduate students within masters and doctoral programs in architectural, civil and environmental engineering. His students have been exploring questions associated with the energy transition of the building and transportation sectors, occupant comfort and energy poverty.