Contact Information
Email: dscronin@uwaterloo.ca
Phone: 519-888-4567 x32682
Location: EC4 1157
Professor, Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Trauma Biomechanics and Injury Prevention, Directory Impact Mechanics and Material Characterization Laboratory
Professor Cronin has established a unique in Canada and globally recognized program in computational injury biomechanics, supported by advanced material characterization and experimental testing. Recognized by a Premier’s Research Excellence Award, Dr. Cronin is a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Trauma Biomechanics and Injury Prevention (tBip) and leads the Neck Model (NM) Centre of Expertise (COE) for the Global Human Body Models Consortium, developing one of the most detailed and biofidelic Human Body Models (HBM) used globally by industry and academics to predict injury at the tissue level. Dr. Cronin led one of four global COE’s on the development of computational helmet models to enhance protection and mitigate head injury in football. A key strength of Dr. Cronin’s program is the synergy of critical topics (high strain rate material characterization, constitutive modeling, human body modeling, vehicle modeling, blast and ballistic protection), which attracts and retains high quality personnel.
Graduate Supervision:
Professor Cronin supervises a group of approximately 20 researchers (Graduate and undergraduate students, Post Doctoral Fellows and Research Associates) in the areas of material characterization, large-scale structural testing, computational modeling and safety systems.
Selected Publications:
Ibrahim AH, Watson B, Jahed H, Rezaee S, Royer C, Cronin DS (2022). “Prediction of Bonded Asymmetric Metallic Cross-Tension and Single Lap Shear Joints Enabled Using Finite Element Model with Material-Level Adhesive Properties and Cohesive Zone Method”. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. Accepted November 14, 2022.
Cronin DS, Watson B, Khor F, Gierczycka D, Malcolm S (2022). “Cortical Bone Continuum Damage Mechanics Constitutive Model with Stress Triaxiality Criterion to Predict Fracture Initiation and Pattern.”, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Biomechanics. October 17, 2022.
Singh D, Sathananthan P, Sirois A, Cronin DS (2022). “Soda Lime Glass Response to Projectile Impact and Damage Characterization Using Depth of Penetration Testing with a Polycarbonate Backing.”, Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials. Volume 8