Contact Information
Email: fgzara@uwaterloo.ca
Phone: 519-888-4567 x38940
Location: CPH 3622
Professor | Department of Management Sciences, Faculty of Engineering
Fatma Gzara is Professor at the Department of Management Sciences and co-founder and co-director of WANOPT, the Waterloo Analytics and Optimization Lab. Her primary research interests are in supply chain analytics and large scale optimization. Her current research focusses on improving supply chain operations using data driven approaches, the analysis of emerging technologies in logistics and distribution like crowdsourced and drone delivery, and the optimization of systems operating in uncertain environments.
Recently, she led several industry collaborations on data analytics and optimization funded by NSERC, OCE, and MITACS and industry collaborators Bombardier Inc., Unilever, Navblu Inc., and Dematic Ltd. Her work appeared in Transportation Science, Informs Journal on Optimization, Journal of Global Optimization, Omega, Networks, Computers and OR, EJOR, and IISE Transactions, among others.
Graduate Supervision: Professor Gzara is currently considering applications from graduate students.
Selected Publications:
- Baloch, Gohram and Gzara Fatma, 2020. Strategic network design for parcel delivery with drones under competition. Transportation Science 54 (1), 204 – 228.
- Yildiz, Burak and Gzara Fatma and Elhedhli Samir, 2017. Airline crew pairing with fatigue: Modeling and analysis. Transportation Research C 74, 99 – 112.
- Lu, Da and Gzara Fatma, 2015. The robust crew pairing problem: Model and exact solution. Journal of Global Optimization 62 (1), 29 – 54.