Associate Professor, Enterprise and Development

Contact Information
Phone: 519-888-4567 x45487
Location: EV3 4237
Associate Professor | Enterprise and Development, Faculty of Environment
Dr. Jennifer Lynes is an associate professor. She is Chair of the non-profit organization Residential Energy Efficiency Program (REEP Green Solutions) and co-founder of the North American Sustainable Concerts Working Group. With an educational background in both marketing and environmental studies, her expertise intersects business and the environment, where she focuses on investigating the marketing of sustainability. Her key research interests include social and community-based green marketing, residential energy conservation behaviour and engaging youth in environmental issues.
Selected Publications:
- Lynes, J. and Whitney, S., Murray, D. 2014. Developing benchmark criteria for assessing the effectiveness of community-based social marketing programs: a case study of Jack Johnson’s “All at Once” campaign, Journal of Social Marketing 4:2 (111-132). (Recipient of the Emerald Publishing Group Awards for Excellence – Highly Commended Paper).
- Riemer, M., Lynes, J., and Hickman, G. 2013, A model for developing and assessing youth-based environmental engagement programmes, Environmental Education Research. DOI: 10.1080/13504622.2013.812721 (published online ahead of print).
- Lynes, J. 2013. Scandinavian Airlines: The Green Engine Decision, Globally Responsible Leadership: Business According to the UN Global Compact, (eds.) J.T. Lawrence and P.W. Beamish. SAGE Publications. (Note: this paper includes a teaching note and was first published as a case study for Ivey Publishing in 2009).