Contact Information
Email: jzwen@uwaterloo.ca
Phone: 519-888-4567 x38362
Location: E3 3151
Professor | Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
John Z. Wen is a Professor with the Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering and is cross appointed to the Chemical Engineering department at the University of Waterloo. He is also the Director of the Laboratory for Emerging Energy Research at the university and a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME) and the Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineering (CSME).
Professor Wen’s areas of research expertise are in energetic nanomaterials, biofuel combustion, CO2 capture and storage, emission of particulate matters, energy utilization and storage technologies, and nanotechnology-based energy devices. His research interests include biomass gasification, the synthesis, characterization and applications of nanomaterial, the development of nano thermite and energetic nanocomposites, and the EPD fabrication of nanotube and nanowire-based electrodes for advanced energy devices.
Graduate Supervision: Professor Wen is currently considering applications from graduate students.
Selected Publications:
- X-Y Zhang, A. Hu, J.Z. Wen, T. Zhang, X-J Xue, Y.N., Zhou and W.W Duley (2010) Numerical analysis of deep sub-wavelength integrated plasmonic devices based on semiconductor-insulator-metal strip waveguides, Optics Express 18: 18945-18959. (Accepted in 2010)
- X. Zhang, K.D. Oakes, D. Luong, J.Z. Wen, C.D. Metcalfe, J. Pawliszyn and M.R. Servos (2010) Time-resolved solid-phase microextraction: measurement of real-time concentrations with a dynamic system, Analytical Chemistry 82: 9492-9499. (Accepted in 2010)
- N.H. Nguyen, H. Richter and J.Z. Wen, Molecular dynamics simulation of iron nanoparticle sintering during flame synthesis, Journal of Nanopartical Research. DOI: 10.1007/s11051-010-0082-4 (Accepted in 2010)