Contact Information
Email: snaik@uwaterloo.ca
Phone: 519-888-4567 x35313
Location: EIT 4174
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dr. Sagar Naik’s research interests focus on: (i) monitoring of physical systems to ensure their safe operations using wireless sensor networks; (ii) monitoring of wireless devices in cyber-physical systems to detect their anomalous behavior; (iii) designing secure and efficient communication protocols for vehicular networks; (iv) designing energy harvesting sensor modules for sustainable communication in harsh communication environments; and (v) software testing and quality assurance.
Dr. Naik supervises graduate students within masters and doctoral programs and post-doctoral fellows in Electrical and Computer Engineering. His students have conducted research: (i) to design new communication protocols for the vehicular networks and smart power grids; (ii) to detect malware in wireless devices and cyber-physical systems; (iii) to monitor the corrosion of underground steel pipes using batteryless wireless underground sensors; and (iv) to design energy-efficient security protocols for power-constrained systems.
Selected Publications:
- A. Albasir, K. Naik, and R. Manzano, “Towards Improving the Security of IoT and CPS Devices: An AI Approach,” to appear in ACM Digital Threats: Research and Practice, 2022.
- K. Naik, M. D. Pandey, A. Panda, A. Albasir, and K. Taneja, “Data Driven Modelling of Nuclear Power Plant Performance Data as Finite State Machines,” Modelling, 2021, 2(1), 43-62.
- M. R. Bhuyian, K. Naik, M. Zaman, and G. Sakayue, “Design of a Sensor Module for Underground Structure Monitoring with Harvested Energy from Soil,” 7th Int. Conf. on Structure, Engineering & Environment (SEE), Pattaya, Thailand, Nov.10-12, 2021.