Contact Information
Email: nmaftoon@uwaterloo.ca
Phone: 519-888-4567 x47654
Location: E7 6426
Assistant Professor, Systems Design Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
Dr. Maftoon is an assistant professor in the department of Systems Design Engineering. Dr. Maftoon received his PhD training in biomedical engineering at McGill University performing research in physiological acoustics and auditory mechanics followed by a postdoctoral training in Speech and Hearing Bioscience and Technology at the Harvard Medical School. One research focus of Dr. Maftoon at the University of Waterloo is noise and vibration leveraging his industrial experience in vehicle research and development.
Graduate Supervision:
Dr. Maftoon supervises graduate students in master’s and doctoral program in Systems Design Engineering.
Selected Publications:
Ebrahimian, A., Tang, H., Furlong, C., Cheng, J. T., & Maftoon, N. (2021). Material characterization of thin planar structures using full-field harmonic vibration response measured with stroboscopic holography. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 198, 106390.
Mohammadi, H., Ebrahimian, A., & Maftoon, N. (2021). Fracture behaviour of human skin in deep needle insertion can be captured using validated cohesive zone finite-element method. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 139, 104982.
Keshavarz Motamed, P., & Maftoon, N. (2021). A systematic approach for developing mechanistic models for realistic simulation of cancer cell motion and deformation. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 21545.