Contact Information
Email: quinn.lewis@uwaterloo.ca
Phone: 519-888-4567 x 48158
Location: EV1-233
Assistant Professor, Department of Geography & Environmental Management, Faculty of Environment
Dr. Quinn Lewis is a physical geographer and geomorphologist who studies the landscape – how flow processes like rivers and wind, together with human-induced processes, move energy and landscape material and ultimately form and alter earth’s surface. He received his PhD from the University of Illinois Department of Geography and GIS in 2018 and completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Indiana University, supported by the Environmental Resilience Institute. His research combines intensive field work with remote sensing and Unoccupied Aerial Systems (UAS) to improve our understanding of dynamic and interrelated physical processes and landforms.
Graduate Supervision:
Dr. Lewis supervises graduate students within the department of Geography and Environmental Management, where Masters and Doctoral students can work on projects as diverse as tree uprooting, citizen science measurements of riverbank erosion, and fluid dynamics of river mixing. Advanced current undergraduates are encouraged to inquire about research positions or undergraduate thesis advising.
Selected Publications:
Sabrina, S., Lewis, Q.W., and Rhoads, B. 2021. Large‐Scale Particle Image Velocimetry Reveals Pulsing of Incoming Flow at a Stream Confluence. Water Resources Research.
Lewis, Q.W., Edmonds, D.A., and Yanites, B.J. 2020. Integrated UAS and LIDAR Reveals the Importance of Land Cover and Flood Magnitude on the Formation of Incipient Chute Scours and Chute Cutoff Development, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.
Lewis, Q.W., Lindroth, E.M., and Rhoads, B.L. 2018. Integrating Unmanned Aerial Systems and LSPIV for Rapid, Cost-effective Stream Gauging, Journal of Hydrology.