Contact Information
Email: sb.young@uwaterloo.ca
Professor, Industrial Ecology
Professor Steven Young is a resource sustainability expert supporting the transition to a low-carbon, responsible and “circular” economy. After his PhD from Toronto, he worked in industry for 15-years in life cycle assessment and environmental strategy. As an academic he engages internationally in industry and civil activities on responsible sourcing, sustainability standards and supply-chains. Dr Young is widely published in management, resource policy and sustainability journals.
Graduate Supervision:
Professor Young supervises graduate students in the masters and doctoral programs in Sustainability Management. His students explore issues of resource sourcing, production, use and end-of-life in sectors including mining, healthcare, electric vehicles, energy, and aerospace.
Selected Publications:
Cimprich, A., Young, S. B., Schrijvers, D., Ku, A. Y., Hagelüken, C., Christmann, P., Eggert, R., Habib, K., Hirohata, A., Hurd, A. J., Lee, M.-H., Peck, D., Petavratzi, E., Tercero Espinoza, L. A., Wäger, P., & Hool, A. (2022). The role of industrial actors in the circular economy for critical raw materials: A framework with case studies across a range of industries. Mineral Economics.
Kalverkamp, M., & Young, S. B. (2019). In Support of Open-Loop Supply Chains: Expanding the scope of environmental sustainability in reverse supply chains. Journal of Cleaner Production.
Young SB. (2018). Responsible sourcing of metals: certification approaches for conflict minerals and conflict-free metals. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment.