University of Waterloo sign wrapped in paper

United Way Campaign

Our 2023 Campaign has come to an end. The 2024 Campaign will be launching September 2024!

During October (United Way month at the University of Waterloo), we were thrilled to bring you lots of events, bake sales, and other fun activities to raise money for this extremely good cause.


Every October we raise money for the United Way Waterloo Region Communities. This branch of the United Way distributes funds to, and supports, nearly 130 local agencies and charities. Strengthening our community through their work, these organizations work to reduce the impacts of poverty, mental health issues, addiction, sexual violence, illiteracy, and other hardships facing individuals and families.


You can click on our donate button and give to the United Way. Donations are available as one-time gifts, or you can give on an ongoing basis (either through your credit card or through payroll deduction). 


Become an ambassador or core committee volunteer to help us create amazing events next campaign.


The United Way has introduced  cause areas for donations. This means you can further focus your dollars to a cause that means the most to you. The United Way has created 9 cause areas:

  • Affordable housing & homelessness
  • Food insecurity
  • Mental health & addictions
  • Literacy, employment skills, & assistive devices
  • Hate, gender based & family violence
  • Children & youth
  • Innovation & systems change
  • Community & social supports
  • Leadership, volunteerism & capacity building