About the United Way Campaign

Everyone benefits with the United Way, from donors and volunteers to beneficiaries. It brings out the best in people and I am amazed at the difference it makes in our community: we are engaged, we belong, we are generous and we grow together.

Alice Raynard, Former Staff Co-Chair, Core Committee

Every year, the University of Waterloo comes together to support the local community through our United Way Campaign. Traditionally during the month of October, a plethora of events and activities are facilitated by volunteers across campus that help build awareness and raise funds for the United Way.

The United Way's connection to UWaterloo

The United Way supports and invests in issues that impact our community, including basic needs, mental health, and social isolation. Funds raised during the campaign help support local organizations that are working to provide and improve access to services, while expanding our community’s awareness of these issues. This aligns with our own philanthropic priorities here at the University of Waterloo.

Click here to find out more about United Way Waterloo Region and Communities and their current community partners.