Lets get cooking!
Join UW United Way, Chef Mark Meinzinger and featuring celebrity chef Cathy Newell Kelly for a live cooking show where they will be making, Chef Mark's Family Chicken Stew!
This event was inspired by and aligns with one of United Way Waterloo Region Communities' (WRC) focus areas, food insecurity. Visit their webpage on food insecurity to learn how this impacts our community, as well as the agencies United Way WRC funds that address it.
Options for registration:
Cooking Show ONLY - FREE but we encourage you to make a donation through ePledge
Cooking Show & meal kit with all ingredients - $16.00 plus applicable taxes and we encourage you to make a donation through ePledge
Registration closes on Tuesday, October 24, 2023 at 5:00pm. Individuals that have purchased the ingredients can pick up their package at Federation Hall on Thursday, October 26th between 8:30am and 2:00pm. Please enter through the Main Entrance of Federation Hall and go to the Administration Office.
Register today!