GO RED with the Stratford School of Interaction Design and Business

Friday, October 1, 2021 - Friday, October 8, 2021 (all day)

Attention all Startford Campus Students, Staff, Faculty, and Friends!

The Stratford campus team has prepared a variety of ways that you can particpate and support our Univeristy of Waterloo United Way Campaign, some of which include:

  • Wearing red on October 1!
  • Visiting the Go RED table in the atrium and to show us you've donated. You'll receive a sweet thank-you (while supplies last) and be entered into a draw for a swag bundle.
  • Come to DMS 3022 for a 12:30pm seated-yoga session (no athletic attire required).
  • Spread kindness among your peers by contributing to our Kindness Wall in the atrium.

Visit their webpage for more details!

GBDA KIndness Wall for United Way
GBDA goes red for UWaterloo