Wednesday, October 13, 2021 12:00 pm
1:00 pm
EDT (GMT -04:00)
How can you effectively deal with pests on your indoor plants? How much water is too much water? When is it time to repot?
Join Bryan Dobson of Gold Leaf Botanicals for a virtual lunch and learn on plant care and get answers to your questions about all things houseplants.

This event was inspired by and aligns with one of United Way WRC's focus areas, social isolation. Visit their webpage to learn more about how social isolation impacts our community, as well as the agencies they fund that address it:
Register here to attend the live stream, and get entered into a draw to win one of three prizes of $50.00 to spend at Gold Leaf Botanicals!
Tickets are complimentary, but we encourage you to make a donation to the UW United Way Campaign through e-Pledge as you participate in any of our core events this year.