WISE Research Spotlight
Designing grid components that play nicely together
Designing grid components that play nicely together
Storing energy more efficiently with compressed air
Making offshore wind farms lean and green
Flying cars are no longer reserved for sci-fi novels, with groups like Boeing, Toyota and NASA working to move electric vehicles into the skies.
As climate change intensifies, the world needs to transition to clean energy. However, the pathways chosen to make that transition happen aren’t always equitable.
Research Spotlight by Prof. Kumaraswamy Ponnambalam and Prof. Ali Elkamel
Research Spotlight by Prof. Xiao-Yu Wu and Michael Anthony Giovanniello
Research Spotlight by Prof. Sahar Pirooz Azad and Fatemeh Ahmadloo
Flying cars are no longer reserved for sci-fi novels, with groups like Boeing, Toyota and NASA working to move electric vehicles into the skies.
Driving into the Future