Amer Obeidi
Contact information
Research interests
- Decision Analysis
- Graph Theory
- Game Theory
- Perceptual Analysis
- Systems Thinking
- Negotiation
- 2006, Doctorate, Department of Systems Design Engineering, University of Waterloo, Department of Systems Design Engineering
- 2006, Graduate Diploma, Graduate Diploma in Cognitive Sciences, University of Waterloo
- 2002, Master's, Master of Applied Science in Management Sciences, University of Waterloo, Department of Management Sciences
- 1990, Bachelor's, B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering, University of Jordan, Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Selected/recent publications
- Obeidi, A., Kilgour, D.M., and Hipel, K.W., "Perceptual Graph Model Systems." Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol. 18, No. 3: pp. 261-277, 2009.
- Obeidi, A., Kilgour, D.M., and Hipel, K.W., "Perceptual Stability Analysis of a Graph Model System", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A, Humans and Systems, Vol. 39, No. 5: 993-1006, 2009.
- Hipel, K.W., Obeidi, A., Fang, L., and Kilgour, D.M., "Adaptive Systems Thinking in Integrated Water Resources Management with Insights into Conflicts over Water Exports." INFOR, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 51-70, 2008.
Link - Obeidi, A., Hipel, K.W., and Kilgour, D.M., "Turbulence in Miramichi Bay: The Burnt Church Conflict over Native Fishing Rights." Journal of the American Water Resource Association, Vol. 42, No. 6: pp. 1629-1645, 2006.
- Obeidi, A., Hipel, K.W., and Kilgour, D.M., "The Role of Emotions in Envisioning Outcomes in Conflict Analysis." Journal of Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol. 14, No. 6: pp. 481-500, 2005.
Link - Obeidi, A., Hipel, K.W., and Kilgour, D.M., "Perception and Emotion in the Graph Model for Conflict Resolution." Special session on Conflict and Risk Analysis in Systems Management in Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Hawaii, October 9-12, 2005, pp. 1126-1131, 2005. (Finalist in the Best Student Paper Award.)
Link - Obeidi, A. "Perceptual Graphs Models for Interdependent Strategic Decisions with Asymmetrical Outcomes." Invited Talk and Presentation at the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institute for Computer Science, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, June 25, 2010.
- Obeidi, A., "Systems Thinking for the Strategic Analysis of Complex Confrontations", October 2007, the Bi-Annual Meeting TTCP JSA AG 14: Complex Adaptive Systems for Defence, which was organized by the Centre for Operational Research and Analysis, Defence R&D Canada, October 2007, Shirley's Bay in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
- Shakun, M., Martinovski, B., Obeidi, A., and Sudit, E. "Connectedness and Intercultrual Negotiation." A panellist at the International Meeting on Group Decision and Negotiation (GDN2010), organized by the INFORMS Section on Group Decision and Negotiation, the EURO Working on Group Decision and Negotiation Support, and the EURO Working Group on Decision Support Systems, Delft, The Netherlands, June 21-23, 2010.
Graduate studies
- Currently considering applications from graduate students. A completed online application is required for admission; start the application process now.