Magdy Salama, PEng

Dr. Magdy Salama is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo. He is a registered professional engineer in both the Province of Ontario (P.Eng.) and Egypt, and is affiliated with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Dr. Salama's research interests span several areas, including distribution system planning and performance analysis, automation and load management in distribution systems, power quality analysis, smart grid analysis, renewable energy analysis, power system asset management and risk analysis, grounding system analysis, fault locator and system restoration, electric energy storage, medical image processing, sleep staging analysis, and neuromodulation systems. He also developed specialized labs at the University of Waterloo, including those focused on Power Quality, Electric Vehicle Power Electronics, Ultrasound Imaging, and Sleep Staging.
Dr. Salama holds several patents, including:
“High Voltage Power Supply,” European patent, August 28, 2006
“High Voltage Power Supply for Automotive Applications,” US patent, July 31, 2003
“High Voltage Power Supply for Aerospace Applications,” US patent, November 1, 2002
“High Voltage Power Supply,” US patent, July 31, 2003
In recognition of his contributions, Dr. Salama has received numerous awards and honors, including being listed in the 1991 edition of the National Encyclopedia for Distinguished Egyptian Men of Science (Who’s Who in Egypt). He is the author or co-author of 215 journal publications, 245 international conference papers, and 16 technical reports, amounting to a total of 460 publications.
Dr. Salama's research interests span several areas, including distribution system planning and performance analysis, automation and load management in distribution systems, power quality analysis, smart grid analysis, renewable energy analysis, power system asset management and risk analysis, grounding system analysis, fault locator and system restoration, electric energy storage, medical image processing, sleep staging analysis, and neuromodulation systems. He also developed specialized labs at the University of Waterloo, including those focused on Power Quality, Electric Vehicle Power Electronics, Ultrasound Imaging, and Sleep Staging.
Dr. Salama holds several patents, including:
“High Voltage Power Supply,” European patent, August 28, 2006
“High Voltage Power Supply for Automotive Applications,” US patent, July 31, 2003
“High Voltage Power Supply for Aerospace Applications,” US patent, November 1, 2002
“High Voltage Power Supply,” US patent, July 31, 2003
In recognition of his contributions, Dr. Salama has received numerous awards and honors, including being listed in the 1991 edition of the National Encyclopedia for Distinguished Egyptian Men of Science (Who’s Who in Egypt). He is the author or co-author of 215 journal publications, 245 international conference papers, and 16 technical reports, amounting to a total of 460 publications.
Research Interests
- Power quality, Distribution system automation, Performance and planning, Reactive power control, Energy Systems, Power System Asset Management and Risk Analysis, Smart Grid Analysis, Renewable Energy Analysis, Fault Locator and System Restoration, Electric Energy Storage, Distribution System Automation and Load Management, Distribution System Planning, Grounding System Analysis
- 1977, Doctorate Electrical Engineering, University of Waterloo, Ontario
- 1973, Master of Science Electrical Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt
- 1971, Bachelor of Science (BS) Electrical Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt
- ECE 192 - Engineering Economics and Impact on Society
- Taught in 2022, 2024
- ECE 390 - Engineering Design, Economics, and Impact on Society
- Taught in 2020, 2021
- ECE 462 - Electrical Distribution Systems
- Taught in 2023, 2024
- ECE 6606PD - Distribution System Engineering
- Taught in 2021, 2023, 2025
- ECE 6616PD - Electric Safety and Grounding System Design
- Taught in 2021, 2024
- ECE 668 - Distribution System Engineering
- Taught in 2023, 2024
* Only courses taught in the past 5 years are displayed.
Selected/Recent Publications
- Hamouda M.R., Nassar M.E., and Salama M.M.A., Blockchain-based sequential market-clearing platform for enabling energy trading in Interconnected Microgrids, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Volume 127, United Kingdom, 2023.
- Ameli A., Ghafouri M., Salama M.M.A., and El-Saadany E.F., An Auxiliary Framework to Mitigate Measurement Inaccuracies Caused by Capacitive Voltage Transformers, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Volume 71, Canada, 2022.
- Ayad A., Khalaf M., Salama M., and El-Saadany E.F., Mitigation of false data injection attacks on automatic generation control considering nonlinearities, Electric Power Systems Research, Volume 127, Canada, 2022.
- Kirakosyan A., Ameli A., El-Fouly T.H.M., Moursi M.S.E., Salama M.M.A., and El-Saadany E.F., A Novel Control Technique for Enhancing the Operation of MTDC Grids, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 38, 559-571, Canada, 2023.
- Yazdavar A.H., Eajal A.A., Azzouz M.A., Salama M.M.A., and El-Saadany E.F., Harmonic Analysis of Droop-Based Islanded Microgrids, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Volume 13, 2589-2600, Canada, 2022.
- Hanna M.O., Shaaban M.F., and Salama M.M.A., A New Cooperative Game—Theoretic Approach for Customer-Owned Energy Storage, Sustainability (Switzerland), Volume 14, Canada, 2022.
- Mohamed N., and Salama M.M.A., Data Mining-Based Cyber-Physical Attack Detection Tool for Attack-Resilient Adaptive Protective Relays, Energies, Volume 15, Canada, 2022.
- Mustafa A.M., Nassar M.E., Salama M.M.A., and Hamouda M.R., Voltage-sag mitigation by stability-constrained partitioning scheme, Ain Shams Engineering Journal, Volume 14, Canada, 2023.
- Eajal A.A., Yazdavar A.H., El-Saadany E.F., and Salama M.M.A., Optimizing the Droop Characteristics of AC/DC Hybrid Microgrids for Precise Power Sharing, IEEE Systems Journal, Volume 15, 560-569, Canada, 2021.
- Eajal A.A., El-Awady A., El-Saadany E.F., Ponnambalam K., Al-Durra A., Al-Sumaiti A.S., and Salama M.M.A., A Bayesian Approach to the Reliability Analysis of Renewables-Dominated Islanded DC Microgrids, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 36, 4296-4309, Canada, 2021.
Graduate studies
- Currently considering applications from graduate students. A completed online application is required for admission; start the application process now.