Graduate AIM Information for Staff

What is the Graduate Academic Integrity Module? 

The Graduate Academic Integrity Module (Grad AIM) is a brief online course that all graduate students are required to take through Waterloo LEARN. Students must review the information about academic integrity and receive a mark of at least 75% on an online quiz. Students are given up to five attempts to pass. The quiz is to be successfully completed within the first 8 weeks of the term. A credit/no-credit notation will appear in the student’s transcript at the end of term.

The Office of Academic Integrity is the course administrator and manages the quizzes; however, student enrolment and grade uploads are done by the GSPA.


When Action
Beginning of term

Students who are fees arranged receive an e-mail from the Office of Academic Integrity (OAI) on the first week of classes notifying them that the Grad AIM is available, is mandatory, and is due within the first 8 weeks of the term.

Students who are not fees arranged will receive an e-mail from the OAI indicating that once they become fees arranged the Grad AIM will be  accessible to them. The message also notes that this is a mandatory requirement, and is due within the first 8 weeks of the term. Students will not have access to the Grad AIM in Learn until they are fees arranged.
Deadline (8 weeks into the term) & Extension Shortly after the 8 week deadline has passed, the OAI notifies students, by email, who did not complete the Grad AIM that they have been granted a 2 week extension, and if they do not complete the Grad AIM within this time, a hold will be placed on their account preventing them from registering in future courses.
Failure to meet extended deadline (10 weeks into the term) After 10 weeks, the OAI notifies the GSPA which students need holds on their account due to failure to complete the quiz. The GSPA manually places ACINTY holds on the accounts of students which will block them from enrolling in courses. The hold in Quest has a pop-up message that directs students to contact the OAI ( The OAI will manually open the Grad AIM for a 24 hour window of time within which the student has indicated they can complete the quiz. Following successful completion of the quiz, the student must notify the OAI. Completing the quiz does not automatically generate a notice of completion to the OAI or GSPA nor does a credit immediately appear on a student’s transcript.  Once the OAI is contacted by the student, it then verifies the completion and notifies the GSPA to remove the hold on the students account. This can take up to one business day as it is a manual process. 
End of Term Grades are submitted to the GSPA and are released when final grades become available on Quest.


Graduate Academic Integrity Module for Students

Contact: Amanda McKenzie