Wrestling with a giant: how GenAI is impacting academia at Waterloo

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) is a black box to most of us. Since November 2022 it has been making headlines and challenging instructors and students to consider how it can be used in academia and when it’s appropriate.

While people would like a hard and fast rule to attach to the use of GenAI – this is easier said than done. Making a strict rule can be detrimental, especially when this technology is evolving so quickly.

For students and instructors who are wondering where the line should be drawn for using GenAI in the completion of assessments, the answer is simple. Assessments must be, and have always been required to be, the students own work.

Check out the full piece: Wrestling with a giant: how GenAI is impacting academia at Waterloo in the Daily Bulletin to review what is your own work and how to use GenAI ethically.