Expedited approvals

For Graduate Diplomas - Type 2 and 3

* Volumes II and III not required for expedited approvals. Faculty qualifications to be included in Volume I.

** External site visit (after Faculty Council approval) not required for expedited approvals.

*** Ministry approval required for Type 3 GDips, but not Type 2.

Preparation icon
  1. Idea for new program.
  2. Consult with Dept/School and Dean for preliminary approval.
  3. Prepare Statement of Interest (SOI) and submit to AQuE office.
  4. Input from AQuE office and AVPA/AVPGSPA provided.
  5. Revise SOI if necessary.
Proposal development icon
  1. Draft Volume I.
  2. Dept/School approval.
  3. Submit to AQuE office.
  4. Revise Volume I with feedback received if necessary.
  5. AQuE office obtains AVPA/AVPGSPA approvals.
  6. Dean/FFO and IAP construct Financial Viability Analysis (FVA) and present to Provost.
  7. Provost approval.
  8. AQuE offices liaises with Department to finalize Volume I.*
Approval icon
  1. Undergraduate or Graduate Sub-Committee approval.
  2. Faculty Council approval.**
  3. AQuE office submits to SUC/SGRC for approval.
  4. Senate approval.
  5. Submit to Quality Council (QC) & MCU (ministry).
  6. QC approval (academic).
  7. MCU approval (tuition, grant & OSAP eligibility).***
Implementation and follow-up icon
  1. Program launches (first student intake).
  2. Follow-up report to QC, as indicated in approval.
  3. Progress report due (date to be determined by AQuE office and program at the time of approval).
  4. Enters cyclical review cycle.