New joint programs

Procedures for new joint programs with other universities

The following principles shall apply to the development process of new joint programs:

  • there will be a single new program proposal, which will clearly explain how input was received from faculty, staff and students at each partner institution;
  • the selection of arm’s length external reviewers will involve participation by each partner institution, including the appointment of an internal reviewer from each partner institution;
  • the external review will involve all partner institutions and preferably all sites, if the review is held in person. Reviewers will consult faculty, staff, and students at each partner institution;
  • feedback on the reviewers’ report will be solicited from participating units at each partner institution, including the deans;
  • a single new program proposal package will be submitted jointly to the Quality Council (QC) by all partners;
  • all partner institutions will agree on the plan to monitor the new joint program, and participate in this monitoring process;
  • if the QC approves a new joint program to commence “with report,” each partner institution will sign off on the report before it is submitted to the QC, and;
  • partner institutions will agree on a common review schedule for the new joint program.