The University of Waterloo Senate is the final authority for ensuring the quality of all academic programs, including cyclical program reviews, new program proposals and major modifications to existing programs.
The Vice-President, Academic and Provost has responsibility for the Institutional Quality Assurance Process (IQAP) and is the primary contact with the Quality Council (QC). The Associate Vice-President, Academic (AVPA) and the Associate Vice-President, Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs (AVPGSPA) have delegated authority for the IQAP on behalf of the Vice-President, Academic and Provost.
Oversight of undergraduate program reviews, new undergraduate programs and major modifications to existing undergraduate programs rests with the AVPA. Responsibility for graduate program reviews, new graduate programs and major modifications to existing graduate programs rests with the AVPGSPA. Responsibility for combined (or augmented) reviews of undergraduate and graduate programs is shared between the respective portfolios.
In 2016, the Quality Assurance (QA) Office was established to support the AVPA and AVPGSPA in the oversight and monitoring of the IQAP (pdf). The Office is now called the Academic Quality Enhancement (AQuE) Office and is the primary contact for campus stakeholders regarding cyclical program reviews, new program proposals, and major modifications to existing programs. The AQuE Office operationalizes the IQAP and provides timely support to programs undergoing cyclical review, developing new programs and proposing academic program changes.
IQAP documentation (e.g., self-studies, external reviewers reports, final assessment reports etc.) is retained in accordance with the University of Waterloo’s institutional records retention schedule and QC guidelines.
Scope of the Quality Assurance Framework (QAF)
The QAF guides quality assurance processes in the following four areas:
Latest Documents
Below is the latest version of the IQAP (approved by Senate on January 29, 2024) and the latest documentation pertaining to the UWaterloo Quality Assurance Audit. Next audit begins in 2027-2028.