I - Self-study

What you need to know

The self-study will cover the last seven fiscal years, with emphasis on the last several years.

Effective self-studies are meant to be reflective, analytical, self-critical and evaluative.

A major component of the self-study is the examination of strengths, weaknesses, challenges and opportunities for improvement. This gives you a chance to imagine the future directions of the program and to ask the external reviewers for assistance in particular areas.

Who’s involved?

The self-study should be guided by consultation with students, alumni, faculty, staff, employers, etc.

Institutional Analysis and Planning (IAP) will supply data for the academic program reviews for most of the undergraduate, graduate and augmented programs.

The AQuE Office and IAP will provide templates with guiding questions for each section – these will be pre-populated with data for the program(s) under review.

Components of the self-study and due dates

Component of the Self-Study Draft Version Final Version
Volume I – Self-study report Due July 1st of review year Due October 1st of review year
Volume II – Faculty CVs --- Due October 1st of review year
Volume III – List of proposed external reviewers* Due July 1st of review year Due October 1st of review year

Key contacts

For questions on the cyclical program review process:

Sukhmeet Bedi, Quality Enhancement Coordinator – Cyclical Program Reviews, AQuE Office

For questions on degree level expectations:

David Thiessen, Educational Developer – Curriculum & Quality Enhancement, Center for Teaching Excellence

For questions on IAP data for undergraduate programs:

Blair Clarence, Institutional Analyst, Institutional Analysis and Planning

For questions on IAP data for graduate programs:

Kerry Tolson, Institutional Analyst, Institutional Analysis and Planning

For the library report to be included in the self-study, contact your Subject Librarian:

Library – Librarians by Subject

For the co-op report to be included in the self-study, contact your Co-op Faculty Relations Manager:

Co-operative Education - Faculty Relations Managers by Faculty