IV - Implementation and follow-up

What you need to know

Upon approval, the Quality Council (QC) will indicate if a follow-up report is required and will set a due date for that report.

The AQuE Office will send reminders to the program in advance of the follow-up report due date.

A progress report is also required for the program to comment on how it has addressed the external reviewers' comments after implementation and intake of student cohorts. A mutually agreed upon due date for the progress report will be set by the AQuE Office and the program.

The AQuE Office will also send reminders to the program in advance of the progress report due date.

Overview of documents

Follow-up report
  • May or may not be required by QC.
  • Responds to QC recommendations. 
  • Due to QC on pre-set deadline.
  • Reminder issued by AQuE Office to complete.
  • AQuE Office submits to QC on behalf of the program.
Progress report
  • Required.
  • Responds to external reviewers' recommendations. 
  • Deadline to be set by AQuE Office and program based on recommendations and required timeline to address them.
  • Reminder issued by AQuE Office to complete.
  • AQuE Office submits report to AQuE Committee for internal approval.
  • AQuE Committee approves on behalf of Senate and it goes to Senate for information.

Key contacts

For questions on QC follow-up report and progress report:

Maysah Eid, Quality Enhancement Coordinator – New Programs and Research, AQuE Office

For general questions on new programs:

Angela Christelis, Director of Academic Quality Enhancement, AQuE Office

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