There and Back Again
Hear the story of Waterloo graduate, Dan Colquhoun, a Principal Architect working on security systems at BlackBerry.
Hear the story of Waterloo graduate, Dan Colquhoun, a Principal Architect working on security systems at BlackBerry.
I remember the first time I set foot on uWaterloo campus. Away from home...meeting new people, attending class lectures, being in residence...I was scared and excited! But I found that the Dons in residence helped to make it a wonderful experience!
I remember the day I approached my first Plan 100 class: "Introduction to Planning". I was 18 years old, away from home for the first time and anxious to meet the Urban & Regional Planning classmates with whom I'd be spending the next four years. I took a seat in the back row. Introductions were made. Smiles exchanged. Connections established.
Now you’re probably wondering why the Office of Alumni Relations would need, or want, to start a blog. Good question. The answer is simply because on top of all the fabulous events we host around the world, we have a ton of neat things to share with you.