Updating your address makes sure you receive the Waterloo Magazine, receipts, information about reunions and other special events, and can help classmates and friends find you, if you choose.

Looking for an opportunity to learn, share and grow? Have a chat with Arts students or alumni that are matched according to your interests. Visit the Arts Cafe.
Connect directly with students and alumni on LinkedIn in the Arts Network group.
Visit the Faculty of Arts website to browse other programs for alumni.

Find friends, classmates and new Waterloo Engineering connections by joining our free online global alumni network powered by Ten Thousand Coffees.
Connect directly with students and alumni on LinkedIn in the Engineering Network group.
Visit the Faculty of Engineering website to browse other programs for alumni.

Grow your networking of likeminded students and alumni by joining ENV Connect, Environment’s hub on Ten Thousand Coffees.
Connect directly with students and alumni on LinkedIn in the Faculty of Environment group.
Visit the Faculty of Environment website to browse other programs for alumni.

Join the Faculty of Health Hub on Ten Thousand Coffees to meet people in your career and study interest areas.
Visit the Faculty of Health website to browse other programs for alumni.

Join the UWaterloo Math Digital Community. This innovative digital space, fueled by Profound Impact, aims to connect #Mathies and demonstrate the incredible breadth and depth of expertise of the Faculty of Mathematics across the globe.
The Waterloo Women’s Impact Network (WWIN) aims to make Waterloo the best place in the world for women in mathematics and computer science to study, to support alumni currently in math and tech careers.
Visit the Faculty of Mathematics website to browse other programs for alumni.
Conrad Grebel University College
Learn more about other alumni programs happening at Conrad Grebel University College.
Renison University College
Learn more about other alumni programs happening at Renison University College.
St. Jerome's University College
Learn more about other alumni programs happening at St. Jerome's University.
United College
Connect with other United College alumni through our LinkedIn page.
Learn more about other alumni programs happening at United College.