
What are your values and how do they inform your life choices? Jen Woodside, director of Waterloo’s Centre for Career Action, talks to Jodi about the role exploring, identifying and applying your values can play in finding your career path. Hear about how work-integrated learning supports self-discovery, how to take a holistic approach to career decision-making, and how employers and employees can find the right fit when job searching. 

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Show notes

(0:50) What happens at the Centre for Career Action (CCA)?

(2:48) How does the CCA team support value exploration with students?

(5:02) How does work-integrated learning support value exploration?

(6:25) What are core values and how do they differ from needs?

(8:06) What role does self-discovery take in defining our values?

(10:35) Developing career decision-making abilities.

(13:45) How to navigate a role that is not in line with your values.

(15:10) Work-integrated learning as a tool for exploring value-aligned career options.

(17:40) How can employers help their employees discover their values?

(19:30) How can employers and employees with similar values find each other?

(21:40) How can you learn about organizational values while job searching?

(22:55) Taking a holistic approach to finding your career path.

(25:29) How is Co-operative and Experiential Education future-proofing itself through the lens of value discovery?

Mentioned in this episode: 

Centre for Career Action


Special guest

Jennifer Woodside

Jennifer Woodside

Director, Centre for Career Development

Jennifer Woodside, oversees the strategic direction of the career centre, which supports undergraduate and graduate students, alumni, postdoctoral fellows and employees alike to explore their career possibilities towards building a meaningful future. Jennifer’s longstanding focus is on enhancing access to holistic, purposeful career education through its integration into work-integrated learning programs and the university experience overall. She seeks to build ecosystems that support learner agency, hope and well-being, and has undertaken collaborative initiatives and research looking into the impact of AI tools on learning outcomes and the impacts of introducing user experience tools to enhance work-integrated learning accessibility.

Connect with Jen on LinkedIn